BucketsX is an optimized premium plugin that adds buckets that generate blocks.
This plugin is mostly used on Factions servers and is more commonly called GenBuckets by players.
An economy plugin (EssentialsX, Gringotts, etc...)
Configurable buckets that generate blocks.
Configurable block type per bucket type.
Configurable global block speed to prevent lag on your server.
Generators stop when they hit a block that is not the same material.
Generators stop when they reach a height limit or world border limit.
Configurable max height and width per bucket type.
Configurable directions for each bucket type.
Ability to add as many bucket types as you want.
Configuration option to toggle between infinite mode and single-use mode.
Break the base block to stop the generator if you already started it.
Compatible with plugins and spigot jars that stack buckets.
Customizable bucket item for every bucket type.
Customizable messages and configurable support for player locales (1.12+).
A command to stop all generators instantly.
A command to reload the configuration and language files.
A configurable bucket shop menu that allows players to purchase buckets.
Event-based developer API that allows a plugin to prevent generators from building in a certain area.
Support for most Factions plugins to prevent generators from going into areas not accessible by the player who placed them.
Option to disable the plugin in certain worlds.
/bucketsx: Aliases: bucket, buckets, bucketx, gb, genbuckets
/bucketsx help: bucketsx.command.bucketsx.help View the help page for this plugin.
/bucketsx reload: bucketsx.command.bucketsx.reload Reload the configuration files and locale.
/bucketsx give <player> <type> <amount>: bucketsx.command.bucketsx.give Give a bucket type to a player.
/bucketsx stop: bucketsx.command.bucketsx.stop Force stop all active generators and tasks.
/bucketsx-shop: Aliases: bxs, bs, bucketshop, genbucketshop, genbuckets-shop, gbshop, gb-shop
bucketsx.command.bucketsx-shop Access the custom shop menu to purchase buckets.
You can add the custom bucket types to ShopGUIPlus if you don't want to use the custom shop menu.
## Configuration file for BucketsX ## WARNING: Do not use TAB in YAML files. Use spaces instead.
# DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE OR YOUR CONFIG FILE MIGHT BE RESET. generated-by-version: "${bukkit.plugin.version}"
# Should BucketsX print out extra log messages? # This option is helpful when reporting bugs or errors. debug-mode: false
# How many blocks should each generator be allowed to place every time the generation is triggered? # Default: 25 blocks-per-generation: 25
# How often will generators be triggered to generate blocks? # Time is in ticks, so 1 is the fastest speed. # Default: 1 generator-period: 1
# Should BucketsX allow players to use buckets in the wilderness, # even when the Faction plugin does not allow building normally? force-allow-wilderness: true
# How many milliseconds must players wait between placing buckets? # 1000 millis = 1 second # Default: 1000 placing-delay: 1000
# Which worlds will not allow players to use buckets? # Default: [] (empty list) disabled-world-list: []
# Set this to true if the 'disabled-world-list' should be the list of enabled worlds. disabled-world-list-inverted: false
Code (YAML):
# WARNING: Do not use TABs in YML files, use spaces
# This is the ID of the bucket that will be used internally and in commands. # You can add as many buckets as you want as long as all the IDs are different. cobblestone: # Materials use the XMaterial value list so that they can be compatible with multiple versions # You can find a list of valid XMaterial values in the link below: # https://github.com/CryptoMorin/XSeries/blob/master/src/main/java/com/cryptomorin/xseries/XMaterial.java material: COBBLESTONE
# This is a list of directions that the generator can create blocks in # If players click on an invalid block side, the bucket will not do anything. # Valid Directions: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, UP, DOWN direction-list: - NORTH
- UP
# Which directions will be used when generating? # SINGLE: The direction that bucket was placed by the player. # ALL: Every direction in the 'direction' list. direction-mode: SINGLE
# Infinite mode means that the bucket will charge money for each use, but will not disappear # If you set this to false, the bucket will turn into a normal bucket after being used. infinite-mode: false
# This is the amount of money that will be taken for each use of the bucket # Requires 'infinite-mode' to be true, the Vault plugin, and a valid economy (e.g. EssentialsX) infinite-price: 0.0
# What is the maximum amount of blocks that can be generated in a single horizontal direction? max-horizontal: 30
# What is the maximum amount of blocks that can be generated in a single vertical direction? max-vertical: 25
# What is the maximum y-coordinate that can be generated? # If this value is not set, the world height will be used. # Values higher than the world height will be ignored. max-y: 255
# This is the item that will be given to players # You can change the material, name, and lore. # and the material DOES NOT have to be a bucket. # # WARNING: If you have plugins that remove extra NBT from items, buckets may not work correctly. item:
material: LAVA_BUCKET
display-name: "<gray>Bucket of Cobblestone" lore: -
"<gray>This bucket will generate" -
"<gray>cobblestone in a single direction." obsidian:
material: OBSIDIAN
direction-list: - UP
direction-mode: ALL infinite-mode: false
infinite-price: 0.0
max-horizontal: 30
max-vertical: 25
material: LAVA_BUCKET
display-name: "<blue>Bucket of Obsidian" lore: -
"<gray>This bucket will generate" -
"<gray>obsidian vertically." stone:
material: STONE
direction-list: - NORTH
direction-mode: ALL infinite-mode: true
infinite-price: 5000.0
max-horizontal: 30
max-vertical: 25
material: WATER_BUCKET
display-name: "<blue>Bucket of Stone" lore: -
"<gray>This bucket costs money to use" -
"<gray>but it generates stone in all" -
"<gray>horizontal directions."
Code (YAML):
# WARNING: Do not use TABs in YML files, use spaces
# This is the title that will be shown on top of the GUI title: "<dark_gray><bold><underlined>Bucket Shop</underlined></bold></dark_gray>"
# This is the amount of items that will be in the GUI # Valid values are 5, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, and 54 size: 9
# The filler item is used in slots where there is no other item configured filler-item:
quantity: 1
display-name: ""
# These are the items that will be shown in the GUI # Default GUI Format: C#O#S###X # Default GUI Key: # #: Filler # C: Cobblestone Bucket # O: Obsidian Bucket # X: Close Menu Button items: # You can add as many items into the GUI as you have slots # Just make sure every item has a unique ID exitButton: # Valid types are 'exit', 'dummy', and 'bucket' type: exit
material: BARRIER
quantity: 1
display-name: "<dark_red>Exit Menu</dark_red>" lore: -
"<gray>Click here to close</gray>" -
"<gray>the bucket shop menu.</gray>" slot: 8
type: bucket
# If the 'type' is 'bucket', you need to add a bucket ID here to be sold bucket: "cobblestone" # If the 'type' is 'bucket', you need to set a price for it. price: 5000.0
material: LAVA_BUCKET
quantity: 1
display-name: "<gold>Purchase Cobblestone Bucket</gold>" lore: -
"<gray>Click here to purchase a</gray>" -
"<gray>Cobblestone Bucket for</gray>" -
"<gold>$5,000.00</gold>" slot: 0
type: bucket
bucket: "obsidian" price: 10000.0
material: LAVA_BUCKET
quantity: 1
display-name: "<gold>Purchase Obsidian Bucket</gold>" lore: -
"<gray>Click here to purchase an</gray>" -
"<gray>Obsidian Bucket for</gray>" -
"<gold>$10,000.00</gold>" slot: 2
type: bucket
bucket: "stone" price: 0.0
material: WATER_BUCKET
quantity: 1
display-name: "<gold>Get Stone Bucket</gold>" lore: -
"<gray>Stone Buckets are free because they are</gray>" -
"<gray>infinite and cost <gold>$5,000.00</gold> every</gray>" -
"<gray>time they are used.</gray>" slot: 4
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Thanks to CozyLeprechaun94#9173 on Discord for the title designs.
Please do not use a review to leave bug reports or errors. I am not able to help you through a review.
If you need help please use the contact methods provided above.
If you do not have a PayPal account, there are many other payment methods that I'm willing to accept.
Please send me a direct message and I'll help you out!