Code (yamlbreaktogether12byawa54aletaoafteranyupdateyoucanreloadtheconfigusingbtreloaddisableorenabletheoretreesbreakingtruefalse (Unknown Language)):
#this enables or disables the plugin for everyone, this could be done also using /bt <enable/disable> <ores/trees>
breakOreActive: true
breakTreeActive: true
#use %number% to get the number of broken blocks
brokenLogs: '§7§oYou broke §4%number% §7logs!'
brokenPartialLogs: '§c§oNot enough durability to break the whole tree! I could only break %number% logs!'
#use %ore% to get the block type (diamond for example)
#use %number% to get the number of broken blocks
#use %fortuneOres% to get the NUMBER of ores dropped with fortune.
brokenOres: '§7§oYou broke %number% of §4§l§o%ore%!'
brokenOresWithFortune: '§7§oYou broke %number% of §4§l§o%ore%, dropping %fortuneOres% more due to fortune!'
brokePartialOres: '§7I could only break %number% of %ore% due to durability!'
notEnoughDurability: '§c§oNot enough durability!'
noPermission: '§c§oYou dont have the permission to do that!'
#if you're not handling the permissions in your server, the OP players will get every feature
#breaktogether.breakores.use - to break the ores together
#breaktogether.breaktrees.use - to break the trees together
#breaktogether.reload - to use /bt reload (reloads the plugin)
#breaktogether.disable - to use -/bt disable (to disable the plugin for everyone)
#breaktogether.enable - to use /bt enable (to enable the plugin for everyone)
#breaktogether.breakores.toggle - to use /bt ores <on/off> (disables the feature only for you)
#breaktogether.breaktrees.toggle - to use /bt trees <on/off> (disables the feature only for you)
#WorldGuard integration
#In oder to prevent the usage of this plugin in certain areas
#we've implemented the worldguard API
#you need to create a region in the intended area with the flag "BLOCK-BREAK"
#example: /rg flag <region> block-break deny