With BrandBlocker, you can allow some client brands to join your server, or only block some client brands to join your server. (Ex. Blocking Lunar Client users to enter to your server or only allow Lunar Client Users join your server).
(Here is an example of the kick message, blocking Lunar Client)
The config.yml file of BrandBlocker is very simple to use. There you can change the brand managing mode(blacklist clients or whitelist clients). Change the client brands you want to blacklist/whitelist. And the kick message, when someone with an unauthorised client, enters to your server.
To start blacklisting/whitelisting clients change the enable setting on the config.yml to true
Code (YAML):
] # BrandBlocker by VictorGamer15 # # Mode types: # Blacklist: Kick players which have the brand on the brand list below # Whitelist: Only allow players which have the brand on the brand list below # # If you need some help, chat with me on the 'Discussion' tab of the plugin
# Enable the functionality of BrandBlocker # Users with the permission brandblocker.bypass will not have any restrictions with brands on joining enable: false
# BrandBlocker mode mode: blacklist
# List of brands to whitelist or block blocked-brands: - lunarclient
- badlion
# Geyser Support geyser-support: false
geyser-prefix: "*"
# Plugin messages prefix: "&c&lBrandBlocker &c» " no-permission: "&7You need the permission &ebrandblocker.usage &7to use this command." specify-player-name: "&7You need to specify a &eplayer name &7to use this command." check-succesful: "&e%player% &7entered to the server with the client brand &e%brand%&7." check-failed: "&7The player &e%player% &7didn't send a client brand packet, or it isn't connected." config-reload: "&7The main configuration file was &ereloaded&7." console-log: "%player% was kicked for using %brand%." kick-message: |-
&cThe client that you're using, is not permitted on our server.
&cPlease use another client.
For reloading BrandBlocker, or checking someone's client brand, you can use the command /brandblocker
(Image of the main command)
The main permission to use BrandBlocker's commands is brandblocker.usage, you can bypass BrandBlocker's kick with brandblocker.bypass.
If you need some help with BrandBlocker, or there's a bug in the plugin, please contact with me in the 'Issues' tab on BrandBlocker's GitHub repository.