Documentation - Aliases: "
- Permissions: "
bossbar.create, bossbar.remove, bossbar.list, bossbar.tpsbar, bossbar.actionsbar, bossbar.reload,"
>bossbar.create this permission allows you for create bossbars.
> bossbar.remove this permission allows you for delete bossbars.
> bossbar.list this permission allows you for see the all of the bossbars list.
> bossbar.tpsbar this permission allows you for see the tpsbar.
> bossbar.actionsbar this permission allows you for see the tpsbar on the actionbar.
> bossbar.reload this permission allows you for reload the plugin.
> this permission allows you for the see help menu.
- Sub Commands: "
create, remove, list, tpsbar, actionsbar, reload, help"
Usages - Create Command
For create bossbar you can use command
/bossbar create name DisplayName BarColor Notched"
for example bossbar:
/bossbar create example &6Example yellow 0"
- Remove Command
For remove any bossbar you can use command
/bossbar remove DisplayName"
for example
/bossbar remove &6Example"
- List Command
For see all of bossbars you can use command
/bossbar list"
- TPS Bar Command
For see the TPS Bar you can use command
/bossbar tpsbar"
for close it you can use same command again. If you want the tpsbar on the action bar you can type
/bossbar actionsbar"
- Help Command
To see the help menu you can use command
/bossbar help"
- Reload Command
For reload plugin you can use command:
/bossbar reload"