BoostedAudio [FREE]✨Proximity Voice Chat and Music ❄️ XMAS SALE -25% ON PREMIUM VERSION
Web client (Customizable), SelfHost, MultiServer, Spatialized Audio, GUI Editing, Speakers, QRcode
Minor fix audio web client
Synchronous feature now multiple audio and on playlist as a parameter
You need ffmpeg installed to use this feature check the wiki
There is also some minor api changes
Fix linkedlist sync nullpointer error
iceServers config rework, now TrustPacket send iceServers to client
Fix plugin dependencies/hooks
Bug fix, with user without mic
Fixing problems with speakers data, QOL improvement in choose world GUI
Fix issue with holographic display
/ba showall, toggle visualization
VoiceChatManager minor error fix
Media downloader (Youtube&Soundcloud)
/ba download <url>
it will download the file in the webhost directory of the main server
ChangeAudioTimePacket to change the current time of an audio playing, to have full control of the audio, (new method in the Audio obj, else send directly the packet)
Fix a bug with region audio
- Gui for edit speaker and region
- New param for audio Synchronous, with this a same audio will be sync between players
- New client placeholder, skin api change
Code (Java):
let durMs
= audio.
let ts
let timeToPlaySecond
= ts
% durMs
= timeToPlaySecond
Fix player icon for offline server
- Noise Suppression and Echo Cancellation client params
- BugFix: When VoiceChat=false no spatialized sound
Multi line connection message
Lerp interpolation for 3D spatialized audio (smoother spatialized audio)
(client modification)
Fix spatial audio volume bug (from panner params)
- Audio now location moveable with the api
- API additions
- Client packet rework
- Fix issue with 1.20.4
- Fix issue with audio not spatialized when proximity chat is false
- Fix issue with PlaceHolderAPI not loading correctly in certain cases
Fix mute not showing placeholder & userlist, on proxy setup
IceServers option in config file, I've added a turn serv, it should fix a lot of proximitychat problems
WebRTC changes
Client modif
Player icon fix, the old skin rest, cravatar is dead
Webrtc more debug messages
Language.yml update, you can now translate admin messages/gui
- Client user audio volume fix
Client modification
Minor folia warn message fix
- Folia support
- Client minor fix
- PEM files support for SSL
- Little webclient fix
- PEM files support for SSL
- Little webclient fix
- PEM files support for SSL
- Little webclient fix
Another bug fix for 1.8 mc version
Fix issue with fadeIn fadeOut, ClientModification, much better fade now
Adding volume of players and mute in Cookie, for save between connections (client modification)
AudioQRcode command, command to send only the qrcode
/audioqrcode OR /musicqrcode
- MultiProxy support
- Better and cleaner code for multiserv
Changes in the config file, please reconfig it
- Minor webclient visual fix
- Full remove of old yaml lib and fix
Diffuser websocket client reconnection fix
- Better diffuser mode connection, when using multiserv
- Velocity Support
- Better connection for multiserv
- Fix loop option not working on multiserv
- %boostedaudio_on_audiopanel%
- %boostedaudio_panel_state%
Check the config file
Better client customization
- Fix little client issue
- QRcode connection system using packet map
the qrcode system can be disable and configured with even an overlay, see wiki
- play radius and stop radius work now with command block
- play & stop command without a specified player stop or play for all players on the current server
"§7/boostedaudio play <AudioLink> <Player> <Fade> §8- Play a sound for a player if he's connected",
"§7/boostedaudio play <AudioLink> <Fade> §8- Play a sound for all players on the server",
"§7/boostedaudio playradius <AudioLink> <Radius> <Fade> §8- Play a sound for a players if connected in radius at your location/location of the command block",
"§7/boostedaudio playradius <world> <x> <y> <z> <AudioLink> <Radius> <Fade> §8- Play a sound for players if connected in radius at a location",
"§7/boostedaudio stop <AudioLink> <Player> §8- Stop a sound for a player if he's connected",
"§7/boostedaudio stop <AudioLink> §8- Stop a sound for all players on the server",
"§7/boostedaudio stopradius <AudioLink> <Radius> §8- Stop a sound for a player if connected in radius at your location/location of the command block",
"§7/boostedaudio stopradius <world> <x> <y> <z> <AudioLink> <Radius> §8- Stop a sound for players if connected in radius at a location",
Micro non critical concurrent fix
/ba mute <Player> <TimeInMinutes>
/ba unmute <Player>
When mute the player see a big red message on the web page
/ba userlist
List the players connected to the audio panel on the server, the players in red are muted
And minor fixes
"§7/boostedaudio play <AudioLink> <Player> <Fade> §8- Play a sound for a player if he's connected",
"§7/boostedaudio playradius <AudioLink> <Radius> <Fade> §8- Play a sound for a players if connected in radius at your location",
"§7/boostedaudio playradius <world> <x> <y> <z> <AudioLink> <Radius> <Fade> §8- Play a sound for a players if connected in radius at a location",
"§7/boostedaudio stop <AudioLink> <Player> §8- Stop a sound for a player if he's connected",
"§7/boostedaudio stopradius <AudioLink> <Radius> §8- Stop a sound for a players if connected in radius",
"§7/boostedaudio stopradius <world> <x> <y> <z> <AudioLink> <Radius> §8- Stop a sound for a players if connected in radius at a location",
- New subcommand added:
/boostedaudio play <Link> <Player> - Play a sound for a player if he's connected
/boostedaudio stop <Link> <Player> - Stop a sound for a player if he's connected
- API Events added Check the class EventManager
- Fix little issues
Recode of spigot <-> bungee communication
Fix issues
Hotfix RegionManager ticking error without worldguard
The error was just visual but annoying
- Huge recode
- BungeeCoord compatibility
- Wiki and config changes and simplifications
Internal Change:
- API recoded
- Multi modules recode
- Plugin message system
- VoiceLayer system (currently not working without api use but in next weeks I will add channel system using this layer system)
Fix old mc version incompatibility
Fix on connect message not showing without worldguard
Geyser compatibility (placeholder {link} in connection message for bedrock players) and shorter url
Bug fix, bug without worldguard
Others fixes