- play radius and stop radius work now with command block
- play & stop command without a specified player stop or play for all players on the current server
"§7/boostedaudio play <AudioLink> <Player> <Fade> §8- Play a sound for a player if he's connected",
"§7/boostedaudio play <AudioLink> <Fade> §8- Play a sound for all players on the server",
"§7/boostedaudio playradius <AudioLink> <Radius> <Fade> §8- Play a sound for a players if connected in radius at your location/location of the command block",
"§7/boostedaudio playradius <world> <x> <y> <z> <AudioLink> <Radius> <Fade> §8- Play a sound for players if connected in radius at a location",
"§7/boostedaudio stop <AudioLink> <Player> §8- Stop a sound for a player if he's connected",
"§7/boostedaudio stop <AudioLink> §8- Stop a sound for all players on the server",
"§7/boostedaudio stopradius <AudioLink> <Radius> §8- Stop a sound for a player if connected in radius at your location/location of the command block",
"§7/boostedaudio stopradius <world> <x> <y> <z> <AudioLink> <Radius> §8- Stop a sound for players if connected in radius at a location",