FileManager.setBlockPowerRedstone(Block, Boolean) -- This function sets a Powers-Redstone data for the selected block
FileManager.isBlockPowerRedstone(Block) --This function returns a boolean (True or False value) if the block can or can't power redstone.
FileManager.outputRedstoneSign(Block, Long [Duration], BlockFace [Direction]) --This function outputs a redstone signal for the given duration, at the selected block's Direction.
-Doors data were saved to one block, and it doesn't recognised the block 1 block higher. Now it does!
-Blocks data gets deleted when they get exploded, washed by water, faded, or light up.
-Endermans from now on can't pickup blocks with data.
-Added the /bdowner command
Usage: /bdowner [add/remove] [playername]
This command is for the chest and door ownership settings, so players can add others to their allowane list.