added a new command '/blockshuffle rules value(optional)' - to change the rules in config.yml file in game!
added a new rule playWithEveryone to not have to use '/blockshuffle add' every time, and instead play with every player on the server. This is set by default to true.
removed ending a game instantly when one player was 2 or more points ahead of a second player and has already gained required points to win (because now you can skip a round, and he will lost a point from this round)
adding and removing players using '@a': `blockshuffle add @a`
blocks.yml file now generates automatically depending on server's minecraft version, so it's always up-to-date
3 new commands:
blockshuffle skip - skips the current round (useful if you got a hard or an impossible block)
blockshuffle ban <block_name> - bans the selected block from getting selected in the future
blockshuffle unban <block_name> - to unban the selected block all the banned blocks are saved in banned.yml file. It already has some hard or impossible blocks, but not all of them, so if you encounter an impossible block to stand on, ban this block and skip to the next round.
Also, now it is possible to type block shuffle commands by console or command blocks.
Huge Update! - ops are now given back even to offline players
- you can add multiple players using one command, as well as remove them '/blockshuffle add <player> <player> ... '
- fixed the scoreboard not disappearing after the game
- you can ban your own blocks now! go to the `plugins/MinecraftBlockShuffle/disabled.yml` and disable certain blocks
- there is also a list of blocks: `plugins/MinecraftBlockShuffle/blocks.yml`
- some bug fixes and optimizations
Added Scoreboard! Scoreboard shows how much time you have left, your current block and how many players are still in the game or how many points you have.