Changelog :
- Improved the logic of almost every method in (optimization)
- New tool -> Lock/Unlock : locks or unlocks a block display. When locked, it cannot be modified or deleted with any tool or command (from this plugin). It also makes different particles when players have the tools on them (scrape particles).
Changelog :
- Much cleaner code (except for
- The scale and shrink tools now have double precision so precise builds are fully possible
- Added a limit of block displays particles showing at the same time (150 max.)
Changelog :
- New tool : Ray Drag. Move blocks wherever you look at with precision.
- Fixed particle problem & changed particles (soul fire flame => composter (green little stars)).
- Better hotbar swap logic.
Changelog :
- Better inventory
- Players who issue /bde tools will see the interaction hitbox with soul flame particles instead of having to do F3+B (12 blocks radius)
- Cloning now copies the block display brightness
Changelog :
- Optimization
- Bugs fix
- New tool : Shrink Interaction (reduce or expand hitbox width, between 1/16 of a block to 2 blocks)
- Rotation should feel less weird