BetterRTP-Addons | Add extra features to BetterRTP! icon

BetterRTP-Addons | Add extra features to BetterRTP! -----

Add premium features to the BetterRTP - Wild plugin!

Version: 1.8.8
DON'T BUY this addon, because there is NO support!
There is problem with wait time before you can teleport.
1. Write command: /rtp (ok)
2. Write command: /rtp (message: you need wait cooldown time) ok
3. Try to go through the portal (message: you need wait cooldown time) not ok
After this time - no working portal(need to rejoin world to work) PROBLEM

Version: 1.8.8
I’ve had this plug-in for over a month and so far have not ran into ANY difficulties. It’s exactly the plug-in I was looking for. Hopefully the support (when/if i need it) is not as the reviews below say it is.

Version: 1.8.8
DON'T buy this addon, because there is NO support.
There is problem with wait time before you can teleport.
1. Write command: /rtp (ok)
2. Write command: /rtp (message: you need wait cooldown time) ok
3. Try to go through the portal (message: you need wait cooldown time) not ok
After this time - no working portal(need to rejoin world to work) PROBLEM

Version: 1.8.8
DON'T buy this addon, because there is NO support.
There is problem with wait time before you can teleport.
1. Write command: /rtp (ok)
2. Write command: /rtp (message: you need wait cooldown time)
2. Try to go through the portal (message: you need wait cooldown time)
After this time - no working portal(need to rejoin world to work)

Version: 1.8.8

No reply at all... Days and days waitting.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Version: 1.8.8 Please add me on discord c0mingtosku#1605 - I do not want to talk in public chats :/

Version: 1.8.8
This plugin is very good and helpful for my minecraft server Lots of features and very easy to use

Version: 1.5
Awesome addons! The portals work great and the extra effects are cool. A nice addition would be a permission specifically for portal usage, but doesn't allow /rtp or /randomtp. I am currently doing this by using a command blocker, but a built-in option would be awesome. Either way, not a big issue at all and this was a great purchase :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 518
First Release: Dec 14, 2020
Last Update: Apr 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings