Many new features have arrived, with many more in the works.
• New reporting system via GUI.
• New config with way more message and webhook customization
• PlaceholderAPI support!
• Custom reasons for reporting (and let your players choose their own)
+ Many many more features
- Made discord webhook sending asynchronous
- Fixed the /br reload command
- Added config option to report offline players
- Fixed bug that would cause embed fields to send that didn't exist in the config
- Refactor to gradle
betterreports.exempt (player with this permission cannot be reported)
betterreports.use (permission to use the base commands of the plugin)
betterreports.cooldown.bypass (bypass report cooldowns)
New command:
Code (Text):
/betterreports help (displays the same information as /report or /reportbug)
Cleaned up the code: Quite a few changes have been made to the code in order for it to appear cleaner than before.
Report cooldowns: The report cooldown time can be configured in the config.yml file inside the plugin directory. This value
is in seconds.
Placeholders: The {report} and {target} placeholder can now be used in the player report in-game messages.
The {report} placeholder can be used in bug report in-game messages.
This update gives server owners the ability to edit the Discord embeds to suit their liking.
Code has been cleaned up heaps since the first release which wouldn't have been possible without GitHub contributors Myles & Ben.
When you update your version of BetterReports, please make sure that you save a copy of your current config, delete it and restart the server.
You will then be required to reconfigure the plugin to your liking as there have been some major changes to the config file itself and we want to prevent issues.
# Config version - Please don't touch this!
config-version: 1
# If a player report was successfully submitted, this message will be displayed in chat to the player
player-report-success: |-
&a&lThank you! &aYour report has been submitted
&a Your reports help the community!
# If a bug report was successfully submitted, this message will be displayed in chat to the player
bug-report-success: |-
&a&lThank you! &aYour report has been submitted
&a Your reports help the community!
# If a PLAYER report was successfully written to the file, notify staff with this message in chat
# You may use the {player} placeholder to get the reporter's name
staff-player-report-message: |-
&c&l Submitted by: &7{player}
&8 Check Discord for more details!
# If a BUG report was successfully written to the file, notify staff with this message in chat
# You may use the {player} placeholder to get the reporter's name
staff-bug-report-message: |-
&c&l Submitted by: &7{player}
&8 Check Discord for more details!
# Paste your Discord channel webhooks into the respective lines below
discord-bug-webhook-url: ""
discord-player-webhook-url: ""
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuring the fields for the Discord webhook
# Follow this example:
# bug-report-fields:
# 1:
# title: <title for the field>
# content: <field content here>
# inline: <true/false>
# Please note that Discord limitations mean that there can only be up to 25 fields!
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Webhook embed colour
# Put a hex code (Including the #) into the respective lines below
# Make sure there are no spaces otherwise this may break!
discord-embed-bug-report-colour: "#F0FF00"
discord-embed-player-report-colour: "#C761DF"