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BetterInputs -----

Aiming to make getting input from users easier. From minecraft devs for minecraft devs.


Aiming to make getting input from users easier, better inputs tries to provide a collection of classes to get input from users. With this API we hope that getting input from an user can be as easy as creating a simple command.

This project was started because of the Conversation API of bukkit didn't receive any major improvements since 2012 and its initial purpose was to gather text input of players in a more convenient and straight forward session. However the scope of the project changed and here we are now.

BetterInputs is a library plugin which provides an easy to use api to get input from players. Not just chat input (which is what the Conversation API is) but also input from anything else you could imagine.
By default BetterInputs implements following input types:
- Chat
- Anvil *
- Command Block *
*only works on 1.16+ as of now

It also provides an api for developers to add their own input types which others can use as well. Basically BetterInputs itself is just an API but we also added a core plugin (which is this plugin) that provides some input types by default.

This plugin itself doesn't do much, installing it without any other plugin using it makes it pretty much useless. But once you install another plugin that uses BetterInputs it can show where it shines.

That's it!

To see how you can work with BetterInputs checkout our GitHub and for any questions feel free to contact us in the discussion tab.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 250
First Release: Oct 31, 2022
Last Update: Jun 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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