/be <player> <ranking>- Returns ranking info about given player.
/be info - Returns plugin info.
/be top - Returns ranking info about player at given position.
/be top10 - Returns top10 players from ranking
/be claim - Claim your rewards! Remember to empty your eq!!
/be timeleft - Returns time left to giveaway
/be daily - Returns top10 daily ranking
/be weekly - Returns top10 weekly ranking
/be monthly - Returns top10 monthly ranking
Only for OP
/be setrewards - Opens rewards GUI configuration for all timed rankings (daily,weekly,monthly) and positions (top1,top2,top3,top4-10). IMPORTANT! "Reset" button is resetting specified ranking type timer without handing out prizes. "Redeem" is both resetting timer and handing out prizes.
/be ban <player> - redistributes all the player's kill points back to victims (!!! It also removes points from players who killed the banned player)
/be add <main/daily/weekly/monthly>
/be sub <main/daily/weekly/monthly>
/be reload
Placeholders: IMPORTANT!! I hardcoded 10s interval for checking placeholders - lemme know if you want it to be configurable in config file