A full re-build of the plugin has been made. Updated to 1.21.
Now it has better performance and smoother options.
Some commands and permissions have changed. Please see the homepage to view the new config.
Citizens and SendToDiscord are no longer supported for now.They will be added soon.
The schedule options by days have been temporarily removed.
The statue is now linked to the dragon killer.
Each skill has been slightly improved.
I can share the source code of this version.
A new Discord support server has been added.
Please, if you have some ideas or troubles, contact us.
enable: true
at_percentage: 20.0 #At what percentage of life the dragon will activate its fury
title: "&5Hardcore! The dragon is fury!"
spawn_endermans: true
strike_lightning: true
launck_fireball: true
launck_dragon_fireball: true
Added a schedule modes. Now you can change how dragon will spawn. By a cooldown or by days.
The respawn config on your config.yml should be like this. Please update or reset it.
Code (Text):
#Enable the respawn of the dragon
enable: true
#Change chedule mode, between cooldown and custom
mode: cooldown
time: 86400 # In seconds: 86400 = 1 Day
time: 20:00:00
#time: 21:00:00
* Changed the way abount how te plugin read the respawn location, You must setup it again.
* Fixed a issue about nullpointerexception at EntityDeathEvent
* Added a new message when you use /dragon setstatue
* Changed the messages when you use /dragon reload and /dragon setspawn
* The respawn location was moved to data.yml instead of config.yml. This allow us no need to restart the server when you use/change the /dragon setspawn or edit the config.
So add it to your data.yml or remove/restart your data file and set again the spawn location.
* Fixed a issue about double bossbar in the first running of the plugin
* Added a replacement of the placeholders for when the dragon was alive (showing the time in negative) %dragon_cooldown%
You must edit your config.yml - Options path
Code (Text):
namevisible: true
# Can players place end crystal to respawn dragon?
- world_the_end
# variable of time %t: Example: "%h hours %m min and %s seconds."
timeformat: "%hhs %mmin and %sseg.."
no_dragon_last: "&fNo dragon was killed"
negative_dragon_cooldown: "&fThe dragon is alive"
A new file has been created to save data, which allows fixing certain errors, therefore the configuration by default has been modified, you must reset it, make a backup, delete the config.yml and restart your server
* Added a new temporary feature to add a drop items with chance
* Added a new boolean option to disable the automatic respawn