BetterBroadcast |  Dynamic & Customizable Global Messaging Plugin! icon

BetterBroadcast | Dynamic & Customizable Global Messaging Plugin! -----

Seamlessly broadcast customized messages to selected worlds with style and ease!

BetterBroadcast is the ultimate tool for effortlessly sending customizable messages to players across your Minecraft server! With this plugin, you can broadcast messages to all players in specific worlds without any prefixes, making it perfect for server-wide announcements and notifications.


  • World-Specific Broadcasting: Easily configure which worlds will receive broadcast messages.
  • Customizable Messages: Use Minecraft color codes to create vibrant and engaging messages.
  • Console and Player Access: Both console operators and players with the right permissions can send broadcasts.
  • Simple Configuration: Adjust settings through a straightforward config.yml to enable or disable broadcasting in different worlds.

  1. Install: Place the BetterBroadcast JAR file in your server’s plugins folder.
  2. Configure: Edit config.yml to set which worlds should receive broadcasts.
  3. Use: Send broadcasts using the /bbc <message> command.

  • betterbroadcast.use: Required to send broadcast messages. OPs have access by default.
Elevate your server's communication with BetterBroadcast and keep your players informed and engaged!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 118
First Release: Jul 19, 2024
Last Update: Jul 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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