Better Sculk icon

Better Sculk -----

Make Sculk an active threat in your world!

Sculk Evolution
A new version of Sculk Invasion is out with the ability for Sculk to Evolve as well as bug fixes!

Sculk Evolution
Sculk works as a hivemind now, strengthening itself over time by spreading and other actions.
- Sculk Evolves from spreading, infecting mobs, the Warden spawning, and the Warden killing mobs/players.
- Sculk can be reverted from its evolution by breaking Sculk and killing infected mobs as well as the Warden.
- Sculk can evolve to become fire resistant, increase speed, increase health, increase regeneration, gain new attacks, attack players in waves, spawn infected mobs more frequently, and gain the ability to infect more mobs.
- Once Sculk has evolved to its max form, infected mobs will have a chance to explode into Sculk. You're able to tell when an infected mob is about to explode when they start shaking and give off extra particles. This is the only evolution that cannot be reverted.
- The Warden now gets stronger the further along the Sculk evolution is.

Sculk Infectable Mobs
- Initially, the list of infectable mobs is Zombies, Spiders, Skeletons, Creepers, Silverfish, and Slimes.
- Once Sculk has evolved enough, the list of infectable mobs is Zombies, Spiders, Skeletons, Creepers, Silverfish, Slimes, Piglin, Strays, Vindicators, Pillagers, Ravagers, Silverfish, Hoglins, Zoglins, Witches, Endermen, and Phantoms.

Ancient City Loot Updates

- Added an Ancient Pickaxe with special attributes to Ancient City Loottable.
- Added bundles filled with misc items to Ancient City Loottable.
- Infected Mobs now drop extra XP when killed.
- Slightly tweaked rates of items in Ancient City Loottables.

Bug Fixes/QOL Features
- Infected Creepers now explode into Sculk.
- When spreading Sculk, Catalysts now place slightly fuller patches.
- Warden Soul Attack has been slightly tweaked.
- Fossils generated by Sculk Catalysts have had their max height reduced slightly.
- New setting in config called "sculkCanProgress". When set to true, Sculk can evolve. (This setting is set to true by default.)
- New setting in config called "sculkCatalystCreatesCatalysts". When set to true, Sculk Catalysts will have a chance to create another Catalyst in the place of a Shrieker of Sensor. (This setting is set to false by default.)
- Slightly tweaked default config settings, specifically for Sculk spread rate.
- There is now an OP only command "/corruptionprogress". This simply shows the stage the Sculk has evolved to and various other pieces of information I used during development. I'm keeping this in so that admins can monitor the corruption and adjust it accordingly.

Now that the plugin is far along enough in development, I'm now accepting video reviews on the plugin! I've received a few offers and at the time the plugin was not ready, however now I'm open to posting videos on the front page! In order to reach me, simply post on the Sculk Invasion forum/thread and I'll respond from there.

I have not been active up until now so any messages on my Discord have not been read/responded to, please follow up on the forum/thread and I'll respond from there.

Please report any bugs you find, thank you!
----------, Dec 31, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,348
First Release: Jan 30, 2023
Last Update: Oct 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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