Overview The Reports Plugin is a powerful tool for managing player reports on your Minecraft server. This free version includes essential features for reporting players and managing reports. A premium version with additional features will be released soon.
Features - Report players with a reason - View, delete, claim, list, clear and close reports - Every Report has an individual ID - Plugin is nearly 100% customiseable - Multi-language support (only available in the premium version) - SQLite and MySQL database support - Discord webhook integration for report notifications - BungeeCord/Velocity Support (Coming soon..)
Installation 1. Download the ZIP file. 2. Unpack the ZIP file. 3. Copy the JAR and Better-Reports-FREE directory in your plugins folder 4. Configure the plugin by editing the `config.yml` file in the `plugins/Better-Reports-FREE` folder. 5. Configure the plugin messages by editing the `en.yml` file in the `plugins/Better-Reports-FREE/languages` folder. 6. Restart your server to apply the changes.
Code (YAML):
baseType: "sqlite"# You can pick between sqlite and mysql host: "" user: "root" password: "1234" database: "reports" port: "3306" DISCORD:
enableWebhook: "false"# If enabled, the plugin sends reports to a Discord channel urlWebhook: "" language: "en"# Multi-language support, only available in the premium version
Code (YAML):
prefix: "&8[&bReports&8]&7 " noPermission: "&cYou don't have permission to run this command!" staffJoinNotification:
singleReport: "&7There is currently &d%openreports% &7open report. Use &b/reports list &7to view it." multipleReports: "&7There are currently &d%openreports% &7open reports. Use &b/reports list &7to view them." reportCommandUsage: "Usage: /report <player> <reason>" reportCommandMessage:
playerOnly: "&cOnly a player can perform this command." playerDoesNotExist: "&c The player %playername% does not exist or has never been on the server." selfReport: "&cYou can not report yourself!" immuneReport: "&cThis player is a staff member an can't be reported!" successfulReport: "&7You have successfully reported the player &e%playername% &7for the reason &b%reason%&7." staffNotification: "&7The player &e%reporter% &7reported &e%playername% &7for the reason &b%reason%&7 - &a%reportId%" reportsCommandUsage:
usageReports: "Usage: /reports <list|view|delete|clear|claim>" usageReportsView: "Usage: /reports view <ID>" usageReportsDelete: "Usage: /reports delete <ID>" usageReportsClaim: "Usage: /reports claim <ID>" usageReportsClose: "Usage: /reports close <ID>" reportsCommandMessage:
reportsListError: "&cNo open or claimed reports found." reportsListHeader: "&6Open Reports:" reportsList: "&eID: %reportId% &7| Reported: &c%playername% &7| By: &a%reporter% &7| Reason: &b%reason% &7| Status: &d%status% &7| Time: &f%timestamp%" reportsView:
- "&6Details for Report-ID: %reportId%" - "&7Reported Player: &c%playername%" - "Reporter: &a%reporter%" - "Reason: &b%reason%" - "Status: &5%status%" -
"Timestamp &f%timestamp%" reportsDeleteSuccessful: "&cReport with ID %reportId% has been deleted." reportsDeleteNoReport: "&cNo Report with ID %reportId% found!" reportsDeleteError: "&cAn error occurred while deleting the report." reportsClear: "&aAll reports have been cleared. Total cleared: " reportsClearError: "&cAn error occurred while clearing the reports." reportsClaimSuccessful: "&7Report with ID &5%reportId% &7has been claimed &asuccessfully&7." reportsClaimNoReport: "&cNo open report found with ID: %reportId%" reportsClaimError: "&cAn error occurred while claiming the report." reportsCloseSuccessful: "&7Report with ID &5%reportId% &7has been closed &asuccessfully&7." reportsCloseNoReport: "&cNo report found with ID: %reportId%" reportsCloseError: "&cAn error occurred while closing the report."
Code (Text):
- /report <player> <reason>: Report a player with a specified reason.
- /reports <list|view|delete|clear|claim|close>: Manage reports with various subcommands.
Code (Text):
- reports.report : Report a player using the /report command
- reports.staff.notify : Receive notifications about new reports and when you join the server.
- reports.staff.immune : A player with this permission can't be reported.
- reports.staff.list : List all open and claimed reports.
- reports.staff.view : View details of a specific report.
- reports.staff.claim : Claim a report.
- reports.staff.close : Close a report.
- reports.admin.delete : Delete a specific report.
- reports.admin.clear : Clear all reports.
Database Support The plugin supports both SQLite and MySQL databases. Configure the database settings in the `config.yml` file.
Discord Integration Enable Discord webhook integration to receive notifications about new reports in a Discord channel. Configure the webhook URL in the `config.yml` file.
Support For support or to report bugs, join our Discord server!
Terms of Service - The plugin is provided for use on your own server only. - You are not permitted to modify, decompile, or reverse engineer the plugin. - Redistribution of the plugin in any form is strictly prohibited. - You may not sell, rent, lease, or sublicense the plugin to any third party. - Any attempt to access, alter, or disclose the source code of the plugin is forbidden. - You may not use the plugin to gain insights or information about its code or structure. - The plugin is provided "as is" without any warranties or guarantees.
By using the plugin, you agree to these terms. Violation of these terms may result in legal action.