%map% - Name of the map
%score_player_1% - Score from player 1
%score_player_2% - Score from player 2
%score_player_3% - Score from player 3
%score_player_4% - Score from player 4
%player1_name% - Name from player 1
%player2_name% - Name from player 2
%player3_name% - Name from player 3
%player4_name% - Name from player 4
%block_remover_status% - shows a ✔ if its on and if its off it shows ✖
%no_delay_status% - shows a ✔ if its on and if its off it shows ✖
%only_yknockback_status% - shows a ✔ if its on and if its off it shows ✖
%only_yknockback_amount% - show the amount of y Knockback if Ykockback is enabled else its just empty
#Map Selector
MapSelectorInventorTitle: "&6Select a map"
Skin: "8e07afccf5404d23b4ea8639846f034f" #Player UUID
Name: "&6&7Spectate" #must be under a lenght off 16 Char.
Skin: "8e07afccf5404d23b4ea8639846f034f" #Player UUID
Name: "&6&7Queue 2x1" #must be under a lenght off 16 Char.
Skin: "8e07afccf5404d23b4ea8639846f034f" #Player UUID
Name: "&6&7Queue 4x1" #must be under a lenght off 16 Char.
Skin: "01e4d3733d91446990670010a11f838b" #Player UUID
Name: "&6&7Inventory" #must be under a lenght off 16 Char.
Skin: "01e4d3733d91446990670010a11f838b" #Player UUID
Name: "&6&7Perks" #must be under a lenght off 16 Char.
Scoreboards: #To make empty lines just type in a different color code in every empty line!
Title: "&6&lServername"
- "&7&l--------------------"
- "&c"
- "&7&lStats:"
- "&7Wins:"
- "&8->&6%wins%"
- "&a"
- "&7Loses:"
- "&8->&6%loses%"
- "&6"
- "&7K/D:"
- "&8->&6%k_d%"
- "&6"
Title: "&6&lServername"
- "&7&l--------------------"
- "&c"
- "&7Map:"
- "&8-> %map%"
- "&9"
- "&7Block-remover:"
- "&8-> %block_remover_status%"
- "&a"
- "&7Scores:"
- "&8-> Team 1 &8: %score_player_1%" #must be under a lenght off 16 Char.
- "&8-> Team 2 &8: %score_player_2%" #must be under a lenght off 16 Char.
- "&6"
Title: "&6&lServername"
- "&7&l--------------------"
- "&c"
- "&7Map:"
- "&8-> %map%"
- "&a"
- "&7Scores:"
- "&8-> Team 1 &8: %score_player_1%" #must be under a lenght off 16 Char.
- "&8-> Team 2 &8: %score_player_2%" #must be under a lenght off 16 Char.
- "&8-> Team 3 &8: %score_player_3%" #must be under a lenght off 16 Char.
- "&8-> Team 4 &8: %score_player_4%" #must be under a lenght off 16 Char.
- "&6"
Database: # Connect to a MySQL or MariaDB Database
Enabled: false
Host: "localhost"
Port: 3306
Database: "datbase"
Username: "username"
Password: "password"
#a list of all material here :
https://helpch.at/docs/1.8/org/bukkit/Material.html # <Name>:
# type: <material>
# displayname: <displayname>
# permission: <permission> example: "Item.MVP"
# purchasable: <true/false>
# price: <price>
Sticks: #Don't change!!
type: STICK
displayname: "&cStick"
permission: "items.player"
purchasable: false
price: 1000
not_a_player: "&cYou are not a player!"
no_perms: "&cYou don't have the Permissions to do that!"
not_enough_players: "&cNot enough players to start!"
no_arena_found: "&cNo arena was found! Pls contact an Admin"
lobby_set: "&aLobby postion set!"
arena_created: "&aArena got created! You can change the display item in arenas.yml!"
enter_map_name: "&6Enter a map name!"
map_already_exsist: "&cThis map name is already taken"
set_death_height: "&6Stand at the Death height and type 'here'!"
set_map_type: "&6Pls enter the Map type the options are : '2' for 2x1 or '4' for 4x1"
set_spawn: "&6Pls stand at the Player spawn for the %spawn%. Player and type 'here'!"
set_all_spawns: "&aYou set all Spawns"
set_bed_lower: "&6Pls stand on the bottom side of the bed for the %spawn%. spawn and type 'here'!"
set_bed_upper: "&6Pls stand on the upper side of the bed for the %spawn%. spawn and type 'here'!"
set_spectator_spawn: "&6Pls stand at the spectator spawn and type here"
player_joined_queue: "&6Player %player_name% joined the queue! There are %queue_player_count% in the queue!"
game_tie: "&7No one won the Game! Tie!"
game_win: "&aYou won the game"
game_lose: "&cYou lose the Game"
got_challanged: "&aYou got challenged by &6%player_name%"
you_challenged: "&aYou challenged &6%player_name%"
perk_required_permission: "&cRequired permission"
perk_costs: "&6Click to buy for %price% Coins!"
click_to_buy: "&aClick to buy!"
lore_select: "&aClick to select"
lore_selected: "&aSelected"
you_can_now_build: "&aYou can build now"
you_can_no_longer_build: "&cYou can no longer build"
npc_set: "&aNPC %npc% set!"
mlgrush_usage: " &7Usage : &6/mlgrush <setlobby/build/setnpcspectate/setnpcperks/setnpcqueue2/setnpcqueue4/setnpcinvsorting> &7or &6/mlgrush <createarena/import/editarena> <arena_name>"
world_not_found: "&cWorld not found"