As always in big updates, compatibility with plugins hooking into BetonQuest is broken. You need to check if everything is working.
Die objective now reacts to death caused by other plugins
Static events now are started correctly
Static events now are canceled correctly
Action objective now correctly checks locations
Combat tag is removed after death
Block, Craft and MythicMobs MobKill objectives now correctly save data
Take event now correctly takes items from inventory, armor slots and backpack
New variable system in conversations (check out the documentation)
More options for journal, including one entry per page and removing date
Compatibility with mcMMO (level condition and experience event)
Compatibility with EffectLib ('particle' event, NPC particles)
Compatibility with PlayerPoints (points event and condition)
Compatibility with Heroes (class and skill condition, experience event, Heroes kills in 'mobkill' objective)
Compatibility with Magic ('wand' condition)
Compatibility with Denizen (running task scripts with 'script' event)
Compatibility with SkillAPI (class and level condition)
Compatibility with Quests (checking for done quests, starting them, custom event reward, custom condition requirement)
Optional prefix for conversations (contributed by Jack McKalling)
Optional material for buttons in "chest" conversation IO
Configurable main page in the journal
New argument in objectives: "persistent" - makes them repeat after completing
New condition 'check' - allows for specifying multiple instructions in one
New condition 'objective' - checks if the player has an active objective
New condition 'score' - check scores on scoreboards
New condition 'chestitem' - checks if a chest contains items
New event 'run' - allows for specifying multiple instructions in one
New event 'givejournal' - gives journal to the player
New event 'sudo' - forces the player to run a command
New event 'compass' - point player's compass to a location
New event 'cancel' - cancels a quest (as in main.yml)
New event 'score' - modify scores on scoreboards
New events 'chestgive', 'chesttake' and 'chestclear' - put and remove items in chests
New objective 'logout' - the player needs to leave the server
New objective 'password' - the player needs to type the password in the chat
New objective 'fish' - catching fish
New objective 'enchant' - enchanting an item
New objective 'shear' - shearing a sheep
New objective 'chestput' - putting items in a chest
New objective 'potion' - brewing a potion
New commands: /cancelquest and /compass - directly open backpack sub-pages
New subcommand '/q delete' - delete all specific tags/points/objectives/entries
New subcommand '/q rename' - rename all specific tags/points/objectives/entries
New subcommand '/q give' - gives you an item from items.yml
Administrative messages are now English-only in new installations
Journal event can remove entries from the journal
In conversations, %quester% variable changed to %npc%
In inventory GUI there is NPC's text in every option, for convenience
Conversations can point to NPC options in other conversations within the package
You can use spaces between events, conditions and pointers in conversations
All tags and points are internally associated with a package now
Some conditions are now static and persistent (just like events)
Point event can now multiply points
Vault Money event can now multiply money
Journal event can now use "update" argument for updating variables on the main page
Packages can now be moved to another directories
Quest cancelers are now defined in a more convenient way
/q command renamed to /betonquest, /j to /journal; previous forms are now aliases
Conditions and events in objective instructions (and conditions in event instructions) can now be defined with "condition:" and "event:" argument (without "s" at the end)