Huuuuuge performance boost by caching two simple values
BestTools will now cache the last material a player has interacted with, and a boolean whether something important in their inventory has changed.
If the player interacts with the same material again, and they neither picked up a tool, broke a tool, changed their currently held item, nor dropped a tool, the BestTools listener will immediately exit because the player still has the best tool in his hands. This should improve performance by a greeeeeaaaaaaat amount. Even hundreds of players stripmining at once with golden efficiency 5 pickaxes should not be a problem for BestTools!
Also cleaned up the code and included a debug and wtf-debug command option. If you like a fully spammed console within a few seconds, feel free to try it
(no seriously, only set debug or wtf-debug to true if I tell you to, you really don't want that enabled on a productive server)