BedWars Minigame icon

BedWars Minigame -----

MultiArena | BungeeCord | Stable

- Fixed an issue where win-if-last-island-online would give the win to the wrong island
----------, Dec 12, 2024

- Changed the default knockback multiplier from 2.5 to 1.5
- Now the quickbuy will work properly again
----------, Dec 2, 2024

- Added /bw addHub and /bw removeHub command
- Removed Rescue platform
- Changed knock back settings to:
explosion-knock-back-minimum-y: 0.5
explosion-knock-back-multiplier: 2.5
----------, Nov 20, 2024

- Removed the join task
- Now you can use right click to open a chest with an axe
- Now you can drop items while close to a block while in the air
Knockback default config values changed to:
- explosion-knock-back-added-y: 0.5
- explosion-knock-back-multiplier-y: 1.1
- explosion-knock-back-multiplier-xz: 1.7
----------, Nov 19, 2024

- Fixed a race condition issue where it would kick the player if the party leader added the player to the game before the join task
----------, Nov 19, 2024

- Now you can have multiple hubs in remote auto join
- Fixed issue where you could keep dropping swords
- Fixed an issue where stats wouldn't have saved due to a recent change
----------, Nov 19, 2024

- Fixed /bedwars list order being reversed
- Fixed issue where clicking on a player head in the teleporter won't teleport you to the player/setting you as first person view of said person
----------, Nov 17, 2024

Added special items category in item shop:
- Cobweb
- Fishing Rod
- Rescue Platform
- Portable Quick Buy
Bug fixes and improvements:
- Dream defender now deals only 75% of his original damage
- Now the egg bridge doesn't depend on the egg for block placement
- Fixed win streak where sometimes you could lose your streak
- Increase allowed length of scoreboard
- Now you can't log strip with your axe
- Now you can use PAPI placeholders in the in-game scoreboard
- Fixed an issue where on quit and win-if-last-team-active is enabled the quiting team might win
----------, Nov 17, 2024

- Fixed tracker not targeting enemies on purchase
- Fixed issue where water was not getting rollback due to missing world check in playzone
- Fixed an issue with no reservation found while playing in party
- Fixed the player collision check with blocks under neat you
----------, Nov 11, 2024

- Fixed a bug where you could break your own bed
----------, Nov 9, 2024

- The target action bar won't show for targets that are respawning
- You will no longer target players that leave the game
- Now if you don't rejoin in time a message of island has been eliminated will display
- Now you can hide inactive islands using RED_INACTIVE, BLUE_INACTIVE etc conditions
- Now the list will be sorted from high to low and paginated
- Fixed bug where the first win in the win streak didn't count
- Small improvment into explosion fire proofing

Game Engine:
- Now the options column in the sql database will not store default options, saving space in the process
- Now you can't use the teleporter when the game is ending
----------, Nov 8, 2024

- Fixed action bar showing distance information of the spectating players
- Fixed issue where the monthly and weekly will keep resetting once the purge date comes
- Added protect-islands-without-safe-zone options as another way to protect the island without relying on the island zone
----------, Nov 5, 2024

- Added 1.21.3 support
- Off hand related aspects properly work now
- Egg bridge protecting for falling
- Now you can't drop items while falling
- Added %bedwars_stats_played% papi placeholder
- Better explosion knockback options
- Now you can shout with ! in front of the message as well
- Added option so you can purge islands if they've been inactive for 2 minutes(configurable)
- Added option to win instantly if there's only one team active
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't shift click items after using the vote menu
- Added bed broken commands and post game gg commands in rewards.yml
- You now gain 5 experience by saying gg at the end of the game
- Improved game ending effects
- Added win streak
- Added header and footer stats
- Now voting will change your color in tab during waiting lobby

Game Engine:
- You can now add the player rank in the player prefix using papi
- Fixed private tab setting
- Added spectator menu
- Now you won't collide with players in the lobby
- Now the leaderboard will show the statistics of the viewer as well if they're not in top 10
- The waiting time will be reduced to 10 seconds(by default) if the arena is at 75%(by default) capacity
----------, Nov 5, 2024

- Now the tnt knockback is like it used to be in clashwars
----------, Oct 28, 2024

- Increased the reservation purge countdown from 5 to 10, also now you can configure it in engine.yml in case players with high ping still have issues
- Fixed /bw list and /bw spectateplayer not working
----------, Oct 28, 2024

- Fixed an issue with reservations not found in some conditions
- Fixed an issue where blocks would collide with the block that was being removed
- Now generator splitting works at enemy bases as well
- Minor bug fix related to scoreboard
- Now the permission for /bedwars spectateplayer <player> is bedwars.spectate.player
----------, Oct 27, 2024

- Fixed upgrades not being announced to the entire team
- Improved performance of the scoreboard by not updating lines that haven't changed text
- Now the teams will fill in a specific order
----------, Oct 22, 2024

- Added Egg Bridge Delay Place setting
- Fixed an issue for when a player quits it showed the viewer as the one who quit
----------, Oct 22, 2024

- Internal party will now be kept in memory for some time(configurable) to allow owner to reconnect
- Fixed stats and options not being sent on phase change
- Fixed lighting playing at respawn location instead of at death location
- Fixed explosions being able to pass water and blast proof blocks
- Removed water bucket from inventory
- Fixed chat not working
- Changed explosion knockback system(now the elevation and multiplier can be found in the config file)
- Now party members gets bonus XP upon finishing games
- Added player quit message now when a player leaves during the game
- Now you can drown if you stay too long in the water
- Being able to open chests and interactable outside the island area
- Now the vote selection player count is limited to the island max
- Fixed stacks going over the maximum when receiving enemy loot
----------, Oct 22, 2024

- Fixed an issue with invalid players causing issues while playing
- Now spectators will be teleported to the spectator spawn if they try to get out of playzone
----------, Oct 21, 2024

- Now /bedwars quickjoin mode will have the permission bedwars.quckjoin.mode instead of bedwars.player
- Fixed issue where the spectate and rejoin wasn't working due to a recent change
----------, Oct 21, 2024

- You can now change the experience bar colors and style
- You can now see the voters in the vote menu
Game Engine:
- Fixed an issue with 2d selections being broken
- Now game chat will not show if chat has been cancelled
- Option to change default leaderboard position
- Spectate command while using auto join remote will work properly
- The placeholders will now keep working after /papi reload
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Extended API
- Added /bw spectateplayer <player>
- Split the .player permission into .join and .quickjoin and .spectate
- Now text delimiters is configurable in engine.yml
- Added reservation exempt permission to join a remote server without reservation required
----------, Oct 21, 2024

- Fixed an issue with the via backwards support
----------, Oct 13, 2024

- Added via backward support option in engine.yml that should fix scoreboard length being cut short on 1.8.8 clients
----------, Oct 13, 2024

- Added vote selector (you need permission)
- Small bug fixes and improvements
----------, Oct 12, 2024

- Fixed an issue where error joining spectate mode would trigger 2 chat messages
- Improved safety in the database
- Improved rejoin
----------, Oct 11, 2024

Added Internal Party, AlessioParty and Party And Friends support!
Added Auto Join including Remote AutoJoin(By connecting 2 or more servers together)
Removed the numbers from scoreboard in 1.20.4+
Now the setup will correctly restore offhand items
Added game-id.moderator permission to start and stop command
Fixed commands not suggesting after typing the first character
Fixed /shout and track teams placeholders not replacing correctly
----------, Oct 10, 2024

- Fixed an issue with %player% placeholder not replacing correctly after a recent change
----------, Sep 14, 2024

- Made it so spectate requires permission as well if enabled in engine.yml
----------, Aug 18, 2024

- Fixed an issue where if restore inventory was set on false, you wouldn't be teleported back
----------, Aug 17, 2024

- Fixed a bug where the leaderboard remove command wouldn't work if you set leaderboards in different worlds
- Added join permission option and restore inventory option in engine.yml
----------, Aug 16, 2024

- Added 1.21.1 support
----------, Aug 13, 2024

- Fixed an issue where a message wasn't getting the placeholders replaced
----------, Aug 6, 2024

- Fixed issues regarding island color and player island color(Regenerate messages.yml)
- Removed 1.20.4 support
----------, Aug 2, 2024

- Fixed minor issues regarding paper build
----------, Jul 12, 2024

- Added 1.21 support
- Fixed bugs related to paper
----------, Jul 9, 2024

Fixed an issue with a missing class
----------, Jun 11, 2024

Added papi support to messages
----------, Jun 10, 2024

Added papi support to messages
----------, Jun 10, 2024

- Fixed a bug in paper where version recognition wouldn't work due to a change in paper
----------, Jun 5, 2024

- Fixed a bug with the obfuscator that crashed while getting remmaped on paper
----------, May 31, 2024

- Fixed issues with building
- Fixed an issue introduced recently where chat wasn't formatted and per player
----------, May 15, 2024

- Fixed a bug where spectators that joined would see placeholders instead of informations the information
----------, May 2, 2024

- Fixed a bug where when you were leaving during the game
- Made typing command experience much better now, if a suggestion is presented and your argument is the same ignoring case then it'll use the suggestion case
----------, May 2, 2024

- More customizability in messages.yml:
The bedwars' messages.yml has to be deleted otherwise just delete all messages containing:
Old placeholder -> new placeholders
%colored_name% -> %island_color%%player%
%island% -> %island_color%%island%
%team% -> %island%
%team_color% -> %island_color%

- More code cleanup
----------, May 2, 2024

- Fixed a bug where the top wouldn't have displayed
- Some minor code improvements
----------, May 2, 2024

- Improved packet handling
- Improved drag event, now you can drag items in your inventory while having other things open
- Improved the click event
- Small code improvements
----------, Apr 30, 2024

- Code cleanup
- Improved debug messages due to config errors
- Improved how toggler is stored in order to have more of the same
- Improved toggler/leaderboard
- Other bug fixes and improvements
----------, Apr 29, 2024

Updated to 1.20.5
----------, Apr 25, 2024

- Fixed not being able to shift tools in the player inventory
----------, Apr 22, 2024

- Fixed a bug where players could purchase tools past their max if it was placed in quickbuy
- Fixed a bug where tools couldn't be added to quickbuy
- Minor game engine improvements
----------, Apr 22, 2024

- Now you can move items with shift in your inventory
- The config files will not reset if an invalid option is entered
- Improved the information related to config errors by pointing the file with the problem
- Fixed weird block placement bug
- Small code cleanup
----------, Apr 20, 2024

- Added support for MyWorlds
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
----------, Apr 18, 2024

Fixed a /bedwars spectate bug
Minor bug fixes
Minor code improvements
----------, Apr 18, 2024

- Made it so addon repository is refreshed at plugin load
- Fixed a small typo in messages
- Optimized memory usage in messages
- Added a setup cancel confirmation delay to prevent missed clicks
----------, Apr 16, 2024

- Added addons commands
- Full code cleanup
- Small bug fixes
- Removed 1.15 and 1.16 support
----------, Apr 15, 2024

- Fixed a typo in messages.yml where a message had an extra '
- Now those who left will get their stats saved when the game ends
- Now if you leave the game while the bed is up your persistent settings will be saved to the database
- Now when you destroy the bed stats will be properly distributed
- The scoreboard will now update one last time to reflect the state of the game at the end
- The player username will be removed as like in older versions to allow via version to work properly on older clients
----------, Mar 12, 2024

- Fixed a typo in messages.yml where a message had an extra '
- Now those who left will get their stats saved when the game ends
- Now if you leave the game while the bed is up your persistent settings will be saved to the database
- Maniac miner will successfully overwrite tier 1 when you upgrade
- Now when you destroy the bed you will get the stats for it
- The scoreboard will now update one last time to reflect the state of the game at the end
----------, Mar 12, 2024

- Fixed a bug where the sidebar would cut itself if there were more than 15 lines and some of the lines were ignored due to empty lines counting as visible
- Added an option to disable teleport effects
- Fixed a bug where obsidian blocks were destroyed by explosions
- Added settings to customize the protection radius and height for diamond and emerald generators
- Fixed a bug where maniac miner was active after respawn even if not upgraded
- Fixed a bug where play again wasn't per mode
----------, Mar 10, 2024

- Fixed a bug where the sidebar would cut itself if there were more than 15 lines and some of the lines were ignored due to empty lines counting as visible
- Added an option to disable teleport effects
- Fixed a bug where obsidian blocks were destroyed by explosions
- Added settings to customize the protection radius and height for diamond and emerald generators
- Fixed a bug where maniac miner was active after respawn even if not upgraded
- Fixed a bug where play again wasn't per mode
----------, Mar 10, 2024

- Fixed a bug where haste upgrade wasn't active after respawn
----------, Mar 9, 2024

- Fixed a bug where the option menu while in spectator wasn't working
- Fixed a bug where haste upgrade wasn't active after respawn
----------, Mar 9, 2024

- Now on leave death and kills are recorded
----------, Mar 2, 2024

- Added a check to prevent certain commands from being used by the console
- Made the entity registration happen every time an entity is created instead
- Fixed a bug where the wool and clay on break was white
- Fixed a bug where milk bucket and potion bottle were not removed after consumption
- Fixed a bug where dragging in the shop could allow you to add items in the shop
- Now on leave death and kills are recorded
----------, Mar 2, 2024

- Fixed chat not working correctly at the end of the game
- Fixed a bug in the setup where you couldn't choose the island you were setting if you go back while setting it
- Fixed a bug where an error would generate if you exceed 15 lines in the scoreboard
- Now on damage the invisibility potion will wear off
- Now if you destroy the bed all the enemies will be marked by you as their last damaged, meaning if they die you will get stats and resources for it (unless someone else hits him)
- Made spectator chat only visible to other spectators
- Fixed a bug where tools couldn't be set in the quick buy
- Now you will get the stats if the enemy leaves the game
- Fixed a bug where the resources wouldn't be sent
- Fixed a bug where not all bows were unbreakable
- Fixed a bug where play again wouldn't work
- Fixed a bug where the id would be lowercased after set until reload
- Fixed a bug where you would get a wooden sword if you dropped your second weapon
----------, Feb 23, 2024

- Fixed chat not working correctly at the end of the game
- Fixed a bug in the setup where you couldn't choose the island you were setting if you go back while setting it
- Fixed a bug where an error would generate if you pass 15 lines in the scoreboard
- Now on damage the invisibility potion will wear off
- Now if you destroy the bed all the enemies will be marked by you as their last damaged, meaning if they die you will get stats and resources for it (unless someone else hits him)
- Made spectator chat only visible to other spectators
- Fixed a bug where tools couldn't be set in the quick buy
- Now you will get the stats if the enemy leaves the game
- Fixed a bug where the resources wouldn't be sent
- Fixed a bug where not all bows were unbreakable
- Fixed a bug where play again wouldn't work
- Fixed a bug where the id would be lowercased after set until reload
- Fixed a bug where you would get a wooden sword if you dropped your second weapon
----------, Feb 23, 2024

- Fixed a bug where if a spectator that joined via /bedwars spectate hits a player and this dies by fall damage or void, it'll display an error in the console
----------, Jan 28, 2024

- Fixed a bug where if a spectator that joined via /bedwars spectate hits a player and this dies by fall damage or void, it'll display an error in the console
----------, Jan 28, 2024

- Fixed a bug with QuickJoin where players would be sent to full games.
- Added bedwars.moderator to allow moderators to see the in-game chats
- Added an option to wipe out the inventory when clicking on the chest and it was filled while not in game
- Fixed a bug where swords could be duped
- Fixed some bugs that allowed certain items to be sent to chests
- Fixed the team selection by randomizing the teams
- Set wins to 0 for losers
- Improved commands
----------, Jan 28, 2024

- Fixed a bug with QuickJoin where players would be sent to full games.
- Added bedwars.moderator to allow moderators to see the in-game chats
- Added an option to wipe out the inventory when clicking on the chest and it was filled while not in game
- Fixed a bug where swords could be duped
- Fixed some bugs that allowed certain items to be sent to chests
- Fixed the team selection by randomizing the teams
- Set wins to 0 for losers
- Improved commands
----------, Jan 28, 2024

Fixed a bug where spectators could pickup arrows
Fixed a bug where Dream Defender and Bedbug could target spectators
Fixed a bug where traps could be triggered by spectators
----------, Jan 25, 2024

Fixed a bug where Dream Defender and Bedbug could target spectators
Fixed a bug where traps could be triggered by spectators
----------, Jan 25, 2024

- Fixed bug where players could've crafted
- Fixed bug where the stats weren't sent to the database if the player still had the bed
- Fixed an error when clicking play again and there is no new game to join
----------, Jan 24, 2024

- Fixed bug where players could've crafted
- Fixed bug where the stats weren't sent to the database if the player still had the bed
- Fixed an error when clicking play again and there is no new game to join
----------, Jan 24, 2024

Updated to 1.20.4
----------, Jan 8, 2024

- Fixed a bug in selection not working due to an update
----------, Nov 4, 2023

- Updated to 1.20.2
----------, Oct 16, 2023

- Fixed commands not working on paper
----------, Sep 16, 2023

- Added use-old-pvp setting, keep in mind that you need to change it from the mode settings as well
----------, Sep 11, 2023

Fixed a bug where & would get replaced to the color code
Fixed a bug where due to a new addition the island's safe zone wasn't working
Fixed waiting sidebar displaying wrong one
You can't take the head item off armor stands
Fixed generator upgrade announcement showing a lower tier than supposed
On lower versions npc username is removed from tab
The dragon will now circle lower than before
----------, Sep 6, 2023

- Made the rework for the legacy version
- Small bug fixes and improvements

Requires java 17
----------, Sep 5, 2023

- Fixed quick join not working properly
- Increased the priority of the quit event to fix a bug in a plugin
- Now you can't take the block off of the generator
- Fixed bug with armor being able to be taken off
----------, Aug 25, 2023

- Fixed commands not working after /bedwars reload
- Added option to allow build in safe zones
- Fixed bug where selections were checked with precision instead of integers
- Added pages to commands
- Fixed bug where the help commands were missing nodes
- Fixed an issue where popup tower and drops were too slow
----------, Aug 20, 2023

- Fixed an issue regarding multiverse inventories
- Fixed an issue with tnt and fireball not dealing damage to the thrower's team
- Minor improvements and cleanup
----------, Aug 17, 2023

- Added 4 new placeholders in PlaceholderAPI
----------, Aug 15, 2023

- Massive code cleanup
- Added a 1-second delay between clicks in the setup to prevent skipping steps
- Fixed axes/pickaxes/swords not being movable in the inventory
- Fixed the problem with the wooden sword being duplicated
- Fixed the join command allowing you to join a game while playing and it was not ending
- Now water won't flow inside protected regions
- You won't receive resources from a player while you're a spectator
----------, Aug 15, 2023

Massive code cleanup
Fixed a race condition that allowed players to place their bed in the lobby when they left the game and they were looking at a block
Now the spectator options are saved between games and server restart
Fixed a bug with night vision option not working in spectator settings
Added missing messages to force start, force stop and game leave
----------, Aug 11, 2023

Massive code cleanup
Added Equipment settings to the npcs
Fixed the option allowed-commands(you might want to delete the config option in order to get the default commands)
The option tab-private now works
Added /rejoin to plugin.yml so there is no error showing while typing the command
----------, Aug 9, 2023

New features:
Added /rejoin and /bw rejoin
Added /bw spectate <id>
Added the dragon phase
Added BedwarsStartEvent, BedwarsStopEvent, BedwarsJoinEvent and BedwarsLeaveEvent to the API
Added a new metrics statistic
Bug fixes:
Removed the attack swing modifier as it wipes the default attack damage making the swords deal 0.5 hearth
Fixed 2 commands not having permission
Added spectator checks in certain places to prevent wasteful triggers
Fixed a bug where play again didn't work
Small bug fixes
Removed a command due to a conflict
Changed the sidebar for waiting to the newer version
Changed 'per_mode' and 'per_game' to 'per mode' and 'per game'
Small code improvements
----------, Aug 8, 2023

- Added custom settings per mode and per game
- Added Tracker And Communications
- Added options to disable shop items and categories
- Added built-in 4v4 mode with proper settings
- Fixed missing space in the join message
- Fixed /shout being usable in solo
- Fixed explosion damage and fall damage not working due to a recent change
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
----------, Aug 1, 2023

- Added rewards
- Added placeholders for PlaceholderAPI
----------, Jul 29, 2023

- Fixed an issue with rollback where the first arena wouldn't restore
- Added a config option that allows you to make all islands active(default false)
- Added an option that allows you to change the swing speed of your weapons, in case you want the weapons to feel like on 1.8.8
----------, Jul 26, 2023

- Added metrics to the plugin
----------, Jul 21, 2023

- Added + sign before the resources you've gotten from killing enemies
- Only admins can now see admin commands when typing /bedwars help
- Code improvements
- Small bug fixes
Setup revamp:
- Code improvement
- Now you can break blocks and handle blocks while setting
- Better messages
- Now if you select in the air, your feet will be used instead
- Added reset options in steps that can make use of it
- Added "previous" and "next" step in order to fix mistakes you've made earlier
----------, Jul 21, 2023

- Fixed a bug where the wooden sword would appear in the spectator inventory
- Fixed a bug where the game will freeze upon starting if the lobby zone wasn't set
----------, Jul 20, 2023

- Fixed a bug in the beta where 1v1 would trigger an error in the team selection process
----------, Jul 19, 2023

I've released a complete overhaul of the plugin, please report any bugs you find and make sure to suggest things you want to see in the plugin.
Thank you for your understanding :D
----------, Jul 18, 2023

Updated to 1.20.1
----------, Jun 27, 2023

- Added 1.19.4 support
----------, Mar 28, 2023

Updated to 1.19.3
----------, Jan 24, 2023

- Fixed a bug in 1.19.2 where the server would crash
----------, Dec 12, 2022

- Added a namespace prefix to each command
----------, Sep 22, 2022

- Made so when the sudden death timer reaches 0 the game will end automatically
----------, Sep 18, 2022

- Made so when the sudden death timer reaches 0 the game will end automatically
----------, Sep 18, 2022

- Fixed an issue where commands wouldn't work on 1.19+
----------, Sep 10, 2022

Updated to 1.19
----------, Jun 24, 2022

Updated to 1.18.2
----------, Mar 12, 2022

Updated to 1.18.1
----------, Dec 12, 2021

- Made so the reward is given right away in order to fix an issue where players who left before the game end they weren't getting anything
- The generator splitting functionality has been extended to all the generators instead of just your own
- The fireball no longer will break enderstones
- Fixed an interaction issue with the npc
- Made so the sound is different for your own team on bed break
- The Party will not be kicked anymore if the player owner quits the server or he's kicked
- Fixed a bug where the quickjoin functionality wouldn't fill the last slot of the game
----------, Oct 18, 2021

- Made so the reward is given right away in order to fix an issue where players who left before the game end they weren't getting anything
- The generator splitting functionality has been extended to all the generators instead of just your own
- The fireball no longer will break enderstones
- Fixed an interaction issue with the npc
- Made so the sound is different for your own team on bed break
- The Party will not be kicked anymore if the player owner quits the server or he's kicked
- Fixed a bug where the quickjoin functionality wouldn't fill the last slot of the game
----------, Oct 18, 2021

Added Start Event
Fixed double message error
Fixed Join command error
----------, Sep 22, 2021

Fixed double message error
Fixed Join command error
----------, Sep 22, 2021

- Fixed an issue where leaving with a bed wouldn't had worked
- Fixed a bug where wins and losses would both increment in a certain situation
----------, Sep 6, 2021

- The Iron spawn rate is fixed now at 1.5 seconds
- The Gold spawn rate is fixed at 7.5 seconds
- Lowered the diamond max spawn rate to 4 (From 5)
- Lowered the gold max spawn rate to 16 (From 18)
- Increased the iron max spawn rate to 48(From 46)
- Adjusted the diamond cost to 4(From 3)
- Adjusted the knock back stick cost to 5(From 8)
----------, Aug 31, 2021

- The Iron spawn rate is fixed now at 1.5 seconds
- The Gold spawn rate is fixed at 7.5 seconds
- Lowered the diamond max spawn rate to 4 (From 5)
- Lowered the gold max spawn rate to 16 (From 18)
- Increased the iron max spawn rate to 48(From 46)
- Added a possible fix to the potions not displaying the correct colour
- Adjusted the diamond sword cost to 4(From 3)
- Adjusted the knock back stick cost to 5(From 8)
----------, Aug 31, 2021

Fixed an issue with /bw quickjoin
Fixed a sign issue where if a sign failed to load it would've been deleted from the config file
Added customizable date color in the scoreboard
----------, Aug 22, 2021

Fixed an issue with /bw quickjoin
Fixed a sound issue on 1.12
Fixed a sign issue where if a sign failed to load it would've been deleted from the config file
Added customizable date color in the scoreboard
----------, Aug 22, 2021

Fixed a 1.17.1 issue
----------, Aug 7, 2021

- Fixed a bug with bungeemode not sending players back to the server
----------, Aug 1, 2021

- Fixed bugs
----------, Jul 27, 2021

Updated to 1.17.1
----------, Jul 23, 2021

- Normlized the knockback in TNT Tag
----------, Jul 16, 2021

- Improved the scoreboard team showcase to always show the teams
- Fixed a bug where shop chunks could be unloaded
- Added UseSSL config option for the MySQL config in order for users to edit by case
----------, Jul 14, 2021

- Improved the scoreboard team showcase to always show the teams
- Fixed a bug where shop chunks could be unloaded
- Added UseSSL config option for the MySQL config in order for users to edit by case
----------, Jul 14, 2021

Made so the win/lose commands are triggered on the spot
----------, Jul 10, 2021

Made so the win/lose commands are triggered on the spot
----------, Jul 10, 2021

- Fixed an upgrade menu issue
- Fixed a protection issue where the gens weren't being protected in a certain circumstance
----------, Jul 2, 2021

- Fixed an upgrade menu issue
- Fixed a protection issue where the gens weren't being protected in a certain circumstance
----------, Jul 2, 2021

- Fixed a mysql issue that prevented the papi integration from working properly
----------, Jul 1, 2021

Fixed a mysql issue that prevented the papi integration from working properly
----------, Jul 1, 2021

- Added 1.17 support
- Improved the protected areas to be radius based instead of cylinders with max height
----------, Jun 12, 2021

- Fixed a bug where the quickbuy category couldn't be clicked
- Improved the protected areas to be radius based instead of cylinders with max height
----------, Jun 12, 2021

QuickBuy fixes:
- Fixed the golden apple and milk bucket being of a wrong id
- Added a nether star in the category choosing section
----------, Jun 8, 2021

- Added a game rollback queue system that will prevent the lag in the context of the server proxy going down and in doing so get all the arena to rollback at the same time
----------, Jun 6, 2021

- Added a game rollback queue system that will prevent the lag in the context of the server proxy going down and in doing so get all the arena to rollback at the same time
----------, Jun 6, 2021

- Added a static QuickBuy menu
- Added AutoScale mode (reset the config.yml to see it!)
----------, Jun 4, 2021

- Added a static QuickBuy menu
- Added AutoScale mode (reset the config.yml to see it!)
----------, Jun 4, 2021

Bedwars (Clashwars)
- Fixed a bug in papi levels
----------, May 3, 2021

Fixed an issue related to levels
----------, May 3, 2021

- Fixed an issue when a player falls in void that somehow it could've crashed the whole server somehow (on paper at least)
----------, Apr 29, 2021

- Fixed an issue when a player falls in void that somehow it could've crashed the whole server somehow (on paper at least)
----------, Apr 29, 2021

- Fixed an interact bug
----------, Apr 25, 2021

- Fixed an error on interact due to compatibility problems on 1.8.8
----------, Apr 24, 2021

- Fixed the lobby selection being shorter in a side
- Replaced checks from Container to InventoryHolder due to compatibility issues with 1.8.8
----------, Apr 24, 2021

- Fixed a conversion error from stopping the sql database from loading
----------, Apr 23, 2021

- Fixed a conversion error from stopping the sql database from loading
----------, Apr 23, 2021

* BedWars containers will be deleted after the game to prevent saving items for the new game
* Added extra reward commands(Top has been made to work as well)
* Added levels and placeholders for it (Available on discord in #documentation)
* Moved the shop milk bucket in place of the water bucket
----------, Apr 23, 2021

* BedWars containers will be deleted after the game to prevent saving items for the new game
* Added extra reward commands(Top has been made to work as well)
* Added levels and placeholders for it (Available on discord in #documentation)
* Moved the shop milk bucket in place of the water bucket
----------, Apr 23, 2021

Removed the water bucket from the item shop due to a discovered glitch
----------, Apr 20, 2021

Removed the water bucket from the item shop due to a discovered glitch
----------, Apr 20, 2021

- Fixed a dropping item issue
- Fixed shears switching the menu
----------, Apr 6, 2021

- Fixed a drop item issue on death
----------, Apr 6, 2021

- Fixed an autojoin bug where teams count was overwriting team_max
----------, Apr 1, 2021

- Fixed an autojoin bug where teams count was overwriting team_max
----------, Apr 1, 2021

- Changed /bw quickjoin <teams> <team_max> to /bw autojoin
- Changed TNT explosion delay to 3 seconds (previously was 2 seconds)
- Added a 1 second slowdown after using a fireball
- The players are now dying, fixing the issue with the last hit damage being wrongly calculated and therefore dying faster that they were supposed to
----------, Mar 31, 2021

- Changed /bw quickjoin <teams> <team_max> to /bw autojoin
- Changed TNT explosion delay to 3 seconds (previously was 2 seconds)
- Added a 1 second slowdown after using a fireball
- The players are now dying, fixing the issue with the last hit damage being wrongly calculated and therefore dying faster that they were supposed to
----------, Mar 31, 2021

- Changed the TNT explosion time to 2 seconds instead of 1.5s
- Made so /shout is not needed in team max is 1
----------, Mar 27, 2021

- Changed the TNT explosion time to 2 seconds instead of 1.5s
- Made so /shout is not needed in team max is 1
----------, Mar 27, 2021

- Fixed the fireball issue for real
----------, Mar 27, 2021

- Fixed the fireball issue for real now
----------, Mar 27, 2021

- Fixed an issue while using the custom fireball
----------, Mar 25, 2021

Fixed a cast error while using the custom fireball
----------, Mar 25, 2021

- Statistics have been added again(Possible fix to the memory leak, let me know if it's still happening)
- Fixed fireball sometimes changing path slightly
- Jump 2 has been modifier to Jump V(Requires message editing if you want to see the changes)
----------, Mar 25, 2021

- Fixed an autojoin invisibility issue
- Statistics have been added again(Possible fix to the memory leak, let me know if it's still happening)
- Fixed fireball sometimes changing path sligthly
- Jump 2 has been modifier to Jump V(Requires message editing if you want to see the changes)
----------, Mar 25, 2021

- Made the waiting chat configurable
- Added /bedwars quickjoin <teams> <team_max> as a way to filter multiple modes of custom
----------, Mar 19, 2021

- Made the waiting chat configurable
- Added /bedwars quickjoin <teams> <team_max> as a way to filter multiple modes of custom
----------, Mar 19, 2021

- Fixed the quickjoin command sometimes finding games that were not actually available
- Fixed an issue where the game could start with one player
----------, Mar 18, 2021

- Fixed the quickjoin command sometimes finding games that were not actually available
- Fixed an issue where the game could start with one player
----------, Mar 18, 2021

- Added a proper error messages for when a game can't be loaded when a world doesn't exists!
- Reduced explosion damage to allow knockback strategies
- Removed the stats for a while due to a memory leak I have found!
- Added the permission in order to see the vote system(This should also fix party balance issues)
- Fixed a bungeemode error message
----------, Mar 14, 2021

- Fixed bug where first player is invisible if he teleports (along with the others) in an unloaded chunk!
- Added a proper error messages for when a game can't be loaded when a world doesn't exists!
- Reduced explosion damage to allow knockback strategies
- Removed the stats for a while due to a memory leak I have found!
- Fixed a bungeemode error message
- Added the permission in order to see the vote system(This should also fix party balance issues)
- Fixed a message misspell
----------, Mar 14, 2021

Fixed an issue where in a certain situation the server could crash while using viaversion
Fixed a PlaceholderAPI bug where it was required
Removed collision while in game
----------, Mar 7, 2021

Fixed an issue where in a certain situation the server could crash while using viaversion
Fixed a PlaceholderAPI bug where it was required
Fixed an issue where the shop wouldn't work due to RefreshInMinutes not being read
----------, Mar 7, 2021

- Added PlaceholderAPI placeholders for leaderboards, player statistics and games related(Check discord for the list)
With this occasion I've removed CacheAmount setting and I made RefreshInMinutes functional(Recommended value now is 1 minute)
- Fixed armour being able to be bought twice
- Made the bed area protection overwrite anything else in a 4 block radius
----------, Feb 15, 2021

- Added PlaceholderAPI placeholders for leaderboards, player statistics and games related(Check discord for the list)
With this occasion I've removed CacheAmount setting and I made RefreshInMinutes functional(Recommended value now is 1 minute)
- Fixed armour being able to be bought twice
- Made the bed area protection overwrite anything else in a 4 block radius
- Fixed the /start bug where you will get in the same teams if the minimum of players wasn't met
- Fixed an issue where the fireball would still charge for 50 instead of 40
----------, Feb 15, 2021

- Fixed an error if a player left the game and the mysql database wasn't enabled resulting in inventory reset and other issues
- Fixed a shop issue where you could purchase an infinite amount of items due to the minecraft versions
----------, Feb 14, 2021

- Fixed an error if a player left the game and the mysql database wasn't enabled resulting in inventory reset and other issues
- Fixed a shop issue where you could purchase an infinite amount of items due to the minecraft versions
----------, Feb 14, 2021

The party will be automatically added to a team(if is able to fit)
The team selector will only shrink to the minimum of players allowed for that arena
Fixed action bar required message still staying
Fixed a bug where you could get items outside the arena
Switched the price for Fireball to 40 from 50
Switched the price for Knockback stick to 8 from 10
Fixed an issue where the statistics weren't given if the player was leaving the game
----------, Feb 12, 2021

The party will be automatically added to a team(if is able to fit)
The team selector will only shrink to the minimum of players allowed for that arena
Fixed action bar required message still staying
Fixed a bug where you could get items outside the arena
Switched the price for Fireball to 40 from 50
Switched the price for Knockback stick to 8 from 10
Fixed an issue where the statistics weren't given if the player was leaving the game
----------, Feb 12, 2021

- Fixed a bug where the team selector was not updating when the game was starting
----------, Feb 7, 2021

- Fixed a bug where the team selector was not updating when the game was starting
----------, Feb 7, 2021

Fixed a refresh issue that could've crashed the server due to Via Version
----------, Jan 31, 2021

- Massively reduced the amount of refreshed to prevent Via Version crashes
----------, Jan 31, 2021

- Added a /leave actionbar message while a spectator until i make a better spectator system
----------, Jan 16, 2021

- Added a /leave actionbar message while a spectator until i make a better spectator system
----------, Jan 16, 2021

- Fixed the problem related to heal/damage while not in game
----------, Jan 15, 2021

- Fixed the damage/heal problems while outside the game
----------, Jan 15, 2021

- Added a reset timer to the last damager of 15 seconds
- Improved the explosion caused by a team mate
- Fixed a balance issue in custom
----------, Jan 15, 2021

If you like my plugin and you want to keep me motivated on working on it you can donate via paypal at the email address [email protected]

Due to some changes messages.yml needs to be modified or deleted to see the changes

- Added a team selector to the lobby(Party will no longer add players to the same team)
- BungeeMode has been changed
- Diamond sword and Shear price has been lowered
- You can now drop the stick or store it
- The MySQL database now stores Kills,FinalKills,Deaths,FinalDeaths,BedsDestroyed as well(It might take a while on first run due to the system trying to add the missing columns)
- Gold spawn rate has been lowered
- Spectators are no longer visible in tab
- The kill credit is no longer given if the death was provoked by a team mate
- Jump potion power changed to 2
- The Tnt will explode now at the default timer
- Fixed FireBall and TNT knockback effect being off
- Now the plugin will make sure to load after multiverse
- The waiting time will skip to 10 if the arena is full
- Removed slow effect from the lobby

- Added a last damager reset timer of 15 seconds after a hit to prevent late rewards
----------, Jan 15, 2021

If you like my plugin and you want to keep me motivated on working on it you can donate via paypal at the email address [email protected]

Due to some changes messages.yml needs to be modified or deleted to see the changes

- Added a team selector to the lobby(Party will no longer add players to the same team)
- BungeeMode has been changed
- Diamond sword and Shear price has been lowered
- You can now drop the stick or store it
- The MySQL database now stores Kills,FinalKills,Deaths,FinalDeaths,BedsDestroyed as well(It might take a while on first run due to the system trying to add the missing columns)
- Gold spawn rate has been lowered
- Spectators are no longer visible in tab
- The kill credit is no longer given if the death was provoked by a team mate
- Jump potion power changed to 2
- The Tnt will explode now at the default timer
- Fixed FireBall and TNT knockback effect being off
- Now the plugin will make sure to load after multiverse
- The waiting time will skip to 10 if the arena is full
- Removed slow effect from the lobby
----------, Jan 14, 2021

- Readded the spectator mode due to potention griefing
- Removed the party max limit
----------, Jan 8, 2021

- Made the scoreboard more configurable and removed the Mode line entirely
----------, Sep 8, 2020

- Added health regen upgrade particles around the island
----------, Aug 28, 2020

- Fixed a pop-up tower issue
----------, Aug 27, 2020

- Fixed a pop up tower issue.
----------, Aug 27, 2020

- Added Pop-up tower shop item
- Added Magic Milk
- Improved the names and colors of bought potions
----------, Aug 26, 2020

- Added Pop-up tower shop item
- Added Magic Milk
- Improved the names and colors of potions
- NameTag is fully colored now
- Now health regen effect will spawn particles to the team members
----------, Aug 26, 2020

Added 1.16.2 support
----------, Aug 24, 2020

- Increased slow digging effect to 4.
- Preventing lobby breaking (since this wasn't needed in adventure)
----------, Jul 31, 2020

- Increased slow digging effect to 4.
- Preventing lobby breaking (since this wasn't needed in adventure)
----------, Jul 31, 2020

- Fixed the ViaVersion crash when drinking an invisibility potion
----------, Jul 30, 2020

- Removed the ability to purchase armor twice
- Removed the lobby adventure mode feature in exchange for the slow digging effect
- Now respawing players will be vanished instead of just made potion invisbile so they can't block other players from placing blocks
----------, Jul 27, 2020

- Removed the ability to purchase armor twice
- Removed the lobby adventure mode feature in exchange for the slow digging effect
- Now respawing players will be vanished instead of just made potion invisbile so they can't block other players from placing blocks
----------, Jul 27, 2020

fixed wrong build for the 1.14+
----------, Jul 7, 2020

Fixed shop pickaxe and axe being inversed on purchase
----------, Jul 7, 2020

Fixed the shop's pickaxe and axe being inverted at purchase
----------, Jul 7, 2020

Added the new shop style on 1.14+
----------, Jul 6, 2020

The shop will now has the modern look.
----------, Jul 6, 2020

Added 1.16.1 support
----------, Jun 29, 2020

- Fixed an invincibility bug in a certain circumstance.
----------, May 12, 2020

Fixed a few 1.14+ bugs.
Fixed memory leak
----------, May 8, 2020

Fixed armorstand showing instead of the hologram.
Fixed invisibility as spectator
----------, Apr 15, 2020

fixed a missing method in for 1.15
----------, Apr 14, 2020

Replaced the deprecated methods.
----------, Apr 10, 2020

Added 1.15 to the 1.14 version, the new core is still in work however.
----------, Dec 28, 2019

This is only a version that supports 1.14, the new core is still in work
----------, Oct 23, 2019

Added the 3 missing colors as changeable
----------, Sep 25, 2019

Small revision updates as preparation for the new game core
----------, Sep 7, 2019

This new patch fixes some small issues regarding a performance metric by delaying the task over a span of a second resulting in less lagg when the game script runs.
I promise that the new gamecore is almost complete and I'l start patching every game with it, resulting in a more compatible state with any future releases without the need of me to constantly patch the new versions data myself(Unless it's really needed as how Material got completly overhauled resulting in people having to create their own VMaterial class in order to support previous and newer game versions)
I'm really sorry i've haven't giving a life sign for so long but i still love doing plugins and i'l promise i'l be the same dude who patches their plugin daily as i used to

I will also offer a 33% Discount to all my plugins for those who want to try it as is until the next updates....
----------, Jul 1, 2019

removed party selector for now as its buggy and it needs more development
----------, Jul 26, 2018

fixed a bug with a inventory reset
----------, Jul 14, 2018

- Fixed The team selector counted in the solo(Im gonna improve the system, until then its disabled for solo)
- Fixed enderchest reseting on shutdown
- Fixed bungee mode not keeping inventory
- Added team selector for the bungee mode(Not Tested so at your own risk)
- Added a sign debug message in case the signs don't work(For Malachiel sign bug)
----------, Jul 14, 2018

Added PlayerKillEvent
----------, Jul 10, 2018

Added GameJoinEvent, GameEndEvent and GameLeaveEvent
----------, Jul 9, 2018

Added a basic team selector. Please report any bug found.

Current bugs known:
- the players might spread on islands with less players than normal
----------, Jul 3, 2018

- Fixed a bug where the ender chest would reset
- Fixed a bug where the max health amount gets doubled
- Fixed the party system (this version now should be bug free)
----------, Jul 1, 2018

Made so the rollback won't take more than 30 seconds
----------, Jun 23, 2018

- Added an ability in config to disable the vote system
- Fixed motd to display the right thing if server is full
----------, Jun 20, 2018

Fixed an issue related with accepting a party request after the owner joined.
----------, Jun 7, 2018

Added WorldLoader compatibility
----------, Jun 7, 2018

added a config option for reseting
----------, May 11, 2018

fixed a bug where the arena would show 1/0 without an reload
----------, May 9, 2018

Fixed 2 bugs that revolved around party and quickjoin
----------, May 4, 2018

Fixed some bugs related to party
----------, Apr 23, 2018

Fixed the bug where they won't get back in the lobby at the end and under some similar conditions.
----------, Apr 21, 2018

- Fixed map name in scoreboard for bungee
- Fixed the lobby break issue on bungee
- Fixed the unability to break in game
----------, Apr 21, 2018

Fixed a QuickJoin bug
----------, Apr 6, 2018

Fixed a bug with the party system
----------, Apr 4, 2018

Fixed a bug in the party join where it would bug it
Fixed a bug in /bw quickjoin <mode>
----------, Apr 3, 2018

- Made so only the iron generator can give items to entire team on pick up, droped items at generator doesn't count anymore
- Fixed /bw start and /start not starting the game if at least 2 players are in game.
- Added /party

Please make sure to test it, if it works fine i will also add a gui!
----------, Mar 30, 2018

Fixed a bug where if generators would be too close to lobby it would remove the player entity creating errors
----------, Mar 25, 2018

Fixed error where it would crash because of a bug in the previous version.
Added /bw quickjoin <mode>
Removed <id> from /bw start
Added /start
----------, Mar 20, 2018

- Fixed the solo lag caused if the map was too big and chunks usually despawn
- Fixed NoCheatPlus bug where after a teleport he would still take damage.
----------, Mar 5, 2018

Doubled the range of where players can't drop at the iron spawn
----------, Feb 11, 2018

- Bed improvements
- Now the scoreboard is getting propely reverted
- Some minor bug fixes
----------, Feb 6, 2018

- Fixed a bug with the armor not showing correctly after invisibility for viaversion
- Fixed bug with an error in 1.12
----------, Feb 4, 2018

- Fixed a bug with the water
- Improvements to some other bugs
----------, Feb 2, 2018

Fixed an issue when a player left a game after doing a specific task
Some minor tasks
----------, Feb 2, 2018

- Fixed a issue where if chunk would unload the entities won't get removed
- Fixed an issue with viaversion and in general bug with how armor was reappearing after the potion
- Some small tweaks
----------, Feb 2, 2018

Fixed a bug with the other modes where no generators could be created unless using the custom mode
----------, Jan 27, 2018

Fixed a bug where you could drop items at your iron generator
Several small refactorings
----------, Jan 25, 2018

Revamped the interact method to not bug anymore if using items
Small bug fixes
----------, Jan 25, 2018

- Improved the EggBridge to be extremly smooth.
- Fixed a bug where the bed could have been placed.
- Some other small improvements.
----------, Jan 25, 2018

- The team upgrade will show the name of buyer instead of yourself
- Improved the generator time to look more random
----------, Jan 24, 2018

- Fixed a bug with the team balance and greatly improved it.
- Made the team chests per team
- Added /bw start <id> to force a game start
- Fixed a bug with the scoreboard in lobby not updating propely for all players if the game wasn't started
- Fixed a bug with the spectator were after the final kill you wouldn't be able to use the play again and leave game items
- Added a small delay as spectator so you won't be droping in void because of double tap while in battle
- Made so players that are still alive cant see the items in hand of those who died
- Added the player_list health indicator
- Improved the range of the traps to cover more area
- Made the egg price per team/solo
- Now you get kills and final kills scores
----------, Jan 24, 2018

- Fixed a bug where the shop could have been obstructed by the hologram name
----------, Jan 24, 2018

Fixed a bug with the custom mode team balance
----------, Jan 24, 2018

Fixed a bug where would show the error on load if you've set a lobby
----------, Jan 23, 2018

Fixed jar being empty
----------, Jan 23, 2018

Made /cw setlobby to also work for multiarena module
----------, Jan 23, 2018

Fixed a bug where if the quickjoin item was in the middle would have resulted in ghosted player resulting in errors
----------, Jan 23, 2018

- Added a custom game_team that allows you to set unlimited variants of game configurations, you can even set games without generators :D
----------, Jan 23, 2018

Made the eggbridge smoother
Changed the way the core is handled to be universal
----------, Jan 23, 2018

Made so first line of the sign is editable
----------, Jan 22, 2018

Fixed Health Symbol under the name to not be scrambled anymore
----------, Jan 22, 2018

- Added The EggBridge Item in ItemShop
- Added Customizabled JoinItems that you can select items, give execute command and so on
----------, Jan 22, 2018

- Fixed a bug with the upgrade shop would spawn half a block below
- Fixed an issue where the upgrade would not have the same outfit
----------, Jan 21, 2018

Fixed an incompatibility issue with ArcadeGames
----------, Jan 21, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 527
First Release: Jan 3, 2018
Last Update: Dec 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
62 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings