BedWars Minigame icon

BedWars Minigame -----

MultiArena | BungeeCord | Stable

Bugfixes and improvements [Legacy]
If you like my plugin and you want to keep me motivated on working on it you can donate via paypal at the email address [email protected]

Due to some changes messages.yml needs to be modified or deleted to see the changes

- Added a team selector to the lobby(Party will no longer add players to the same team)
- BungeeMode has been changed
- Diamond sword and Shear price has been lowered
- You can now drop the stick or store it
- The MySQL database now stores Kills,FinalKills,Deaths,FinalDeaths,BedsDestroyed as well(It might take a while on first run due to the system trying to add the missing columns)
- Gold spawn rate has been lowered
- Spectators are no longer visible in tab
- The kill credit is no longer given if the death was provoked by a team mate
- Jump potion power changed to 2
- The Tnt will explode now at the default timer
- Fixed FireBall and TNT knockback effect being off
- Now the plugin will make sure to load after multiverse
- The waiting time will skip to 10 if the arena is full
- Removed slow effect from the lobby

- Added a last damager reset timer of 15 seconds after a hit to prevent late rewards
----------, Jan 15, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 527
First Release: Jan 3, 2018
Last Update: Dec 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
62 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings