- New option brew: when the item is brewed into a brewing stand;
- New option drops: remove item drop from a breaked block;
- New option entitydrop: when the item is dropped by an entity;
- New option glide: when trying to glide with an elytra;
- New option hangingplace: when a player try to place a hanging item (itemframe, painting...);
- Option 'inventory' renamed to transfer, optimized & fixed: can not transfer an item from an inventory to another;
- Option wear optimized & fixed. Now also automatically give the item back (in inventory, or drop it if full) if a player already wear an item & change the world;
- Creative option is now part of ban data gamemode;
- Added options data:
- Can now check multiples datas depending of the option (entity involved, inventory used, player gamemode etc.)
- Added a 'gamemode' data, which will consider the player gamemode to apply the ban or not
- Added a 'log' boolean data, which allows players in game to be directly notified if player use a banned item, with /banitem log
- Added a 'cooldown' (in milliseconds) long data (non persistent), the ban only applies if players aren't in cooldown
- New in configuration:
- Better debug: displays a more detailled debug message, if something is not loaded well;
- Hopper transfer block: if it's enabled and if an item has transfer option, this will be blocked;
- Use the event api: to let others plugins modify the behavior of a banned action
- You can now set multiples ban messages (using a list)
- Commands improved, commented & added new ones:
- /banitem log: activate the live log mode, sending message (of banned items with 'log: true') to them;
- /banitem add <name> <options> [message]: to directly ban in game an item (type, without metadata);
- /banitem ci add <name> [options] [message]: to directly ban in game an item (with metadata);
- /banitem help <type>: give some informations about a specific type (option? entity? etc.);
- Materials now also supports '*' & '!' operators, and correctly support AIR (player empty hand)
- Fixed & optimized whitelist;
- Fixed rare exceptions where custom items aren't banned;
- Fixed custom items;
- Fixed command permissions;
- Fixed display of custom items permissions in /banitem info;
- Recoded & optimized large part of the code;
- Recoded & optimized API. New PlayerBanItemEvent. Every class is now documented.
As always, if there is any bug/questions/suggestions, I'm available here, by pm, or on my discord