Version: 1.0
not only is this extremely poorly written, full of errors and repetitive... it doesn't work.
> sk reload baltop
[23:31:12 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading
[23:31:12 INFO]: Line 29: (
[23:31:12 INFO]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 8 spaces
[23:31:12 INFO]: Line: add 1 to {_n}
[23:31:12 INFO]:
[23:31:12 INFO]: Line 30: (
[23:31:12 INFO]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 8 spaces
[23:31:12 INFO]: Line: message "&a##%{_n}% %loop-value%"
[23:31:12 INFO]:
[23:31:12 INFO]: Line 28: (
[23:31:12 INFO]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section.
[23:31:12 INFO]: Line: message "&a##%{_n}% %loop-value%"dList::*}:
[23:31:12 INFO]:
[23:31:12 INFO]: Line 28: (
[23:31:12 INFO]: Can't understand this section: message "&a##%{_n}% %loop-value%"dList::*}
[23:31:12 INFO]: Line: message "&a##%{_n}% %loop-value%"dList::*}:
[23:31:12 INFO]:
[23:31:12 INFO]: Line 3: (
[23:31:12 INFO]: a money cannot be saved, i.e. the contents of the variable {bal::%UUID of loop-player%} will be lost when the server stops.
[23:31:12 INFO]: Line: set {bal::%loop-player's uuid%} to loop-player's balance
[23:31:12 INFO]:
[23:31:12 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 3 errors while reloading! (73ms)
the first command wont work due to errors, the second command, this is the output:
> baltop
[23:33:59 INFO]: < Top Balances >
Yet here is the output from my economy's bal top command
> eco baltop
[23:34:23 INFO]: [BeeConomy] Top Balances [11:32 p.m.]
[23:34:23 INFO]: Page 1/123
[23:34:23 INFO]: [1] Player: Valentyna, Balance: $777,250.94
[23:34:23 INFO]: [2] Player: Otto, Balance: $775,168.10
[23:34:23 INFO]: [3] Player: ravien33, Balance: $769,930.74
[23:34:23 INFO]: [4] Player: Bezoskyy, Balance: $764,030.53
[23:34:23 INFO]: [5] Player: surfyyy, Balance: $761,170.08
[23:34:23 INFO]: [6] Player: Elsa, Balance: $754,226.01
[23:34:23 INFO]: [7] Player: NeoBurgerLBurger, Balance: $753,140.78
[23:34:23 INFO]: [8] Player: 01SkillValeria_1, Balance: $748,073.20
[23:34:23 INFO]: [9] Player: 0uTsIdeRsR0d, Balance: $736,654.20
[23:34:23 INFO]: [10] Player: norwaylimekey, Balance: $734,746.67
Why you may ask? Well thats because every 10 seconds you loop all ONLINE players and add their balance to a variable (holy waste of variables), and then use said variable in your commands.
So it'll only ever show players who have been logged on during the installation of this script.
This is totally pointless.
Same as the other Skript you left a review on, I am unsure why, but it seems you may have pasted it in wrong. I have tested this several times with and without plugins I usually use, and it works fine. Try checking those few lines and seeing if they are indented correct; you may have pasted it in wrong (I just checked the download skript and it's fine for me.)
As for the second part, I am unsure how to find the balance of offline players. Without adding them to a variable like {players::*}, I do not know of an expression.
Lastly, as for it being messy, that is because I made this a long time ago.