✨ Azuriom is a complete open-source web solution for game servers. Enjoy dozens of extensions for endless possibilities. Already trusted by over
1,800 servers, accumulating more than
two millions users.
Learn more about Azuriom on our website: https://azuriom.com/
⭐️ General features
- Dozens of different free extensions that can be installed by one click in the admin dashboard. Visit our market to learn more
- Fully translatable, and translated in more than 15 languages
- Content management: custom pages, blog, customizable navbar, redirections, images upload
- Powerful role system with permissions
- Support many other games for your community: Minecraft, Rust, FiveM, Counter-Strike 2, ARK, 7 Days to Die, and more...
- Roles synchronization with Discord
⭐️ Shop
- Many supported payment gateways: PayPal, Stripe, Mollie, Xsolla, Paysafecard, PaymentWall, and more...
- No additional fees (only the payment gateway fee)
- Many options for products: enable/disable quantity, add user purchase limit, requires other products purchase, etc
- Multi-server support
- Discounts system: on all the store or for selected packages only, percentage or fixed amount
- Coupon codes: on all the store or for selected packages only, with user and global limits, in percentage or fixed amount
- Widgets for top and recent customers
- Advanced statistics on your sales in the admin dashboard
- Discord webhook notifications for new purchases
⭐️ Forum
- Categories, forum and sub-forums
- Tags for discussions
- Customizable URL for each category and forum
- Restricted forums option (only users with certain roles can access)
- Private forums option (users can only see their own discussions)
⭐️ Support tickets
- Multiple categories to organize users tickets
- Editor with formatting and images upload
- Website notifications and e-mail alerts for the user when a replies is posted on his ticket
- Discord webhook notifications for new tickets and replies
⭐️ Voting plugin
- Automatic rewards after voting
- Vote verification on many vote websites
- Leaderboard to encourage votes and boost your community
⭐️ And more...
- Wiki with pages and categories to add detailed information about your community
- FAQ to answer the common questions on a single page
- Staff plugin to display your team members
⭐️ Demo
You can try Azuriom online without any setup on our online demo
https://demo.azuriom.com/ (you can preview themes with the button in the upper right corner of the demo )
⭐️ Discord
Discord server is the home of our community where you can discuss, ask questions and get support. With 3000 members and a reactive team you will experience support like no other! We also publish announcements and important updates about the project.