- Added 1.21.3 support
- Fixed 1.21.1 support on the last few builds
- Fixed kGenerators support
- If you shift click while adding fuel, the minion will be filled to the max
- Added configurable chance-kill-stacked-amount and stacked-amount to the slayer minion, only works with RoseStacker
- Fixed some damage issues
- Added a metrics system that provides us some basic information (can be disabled in the plugins/AxAPI/metrics.yml file)
- Added 1.21 support
- Added 1.18.2 support
- Made lots of fixes to the crafter minion
- Fixed issues with the linked container if the container changed to/from a double chest
- Added an island recalculate command to recalculate the minions on the island
- Fixed minions not being correctly removed when an island was disbanded when using SuperiorSkyBlock2
- You can now add extra island minion slots to a player by using the /minion extraslot <player> <amount> command
- Added zShop support
- The plugin now removes minions from the island when it is disbanded (SuperiorSkyBlock2)
- Made the seller minion only lose 1 durability per itemstack sold instead of the stacksize
- Added support for 1.19.x versions
- Fixed compatibility with spigot servers
Added a configurable limit for how many blocks a single break of lumber minion can break
Reduced jarsize a bit
Fixed minions not working until the chunk is reloaded after being placed at chunk corners
Added storage section to slayer, miner & fisher minions, you need to add them into the upgrades section of the minion the same way it's in the seller minion
Added minion upgrade sound config option
Added formatting to minion storage
Added minion charge feature
Fixed tools with no durability just disappearing from the minions, if they were allowed as tools
Fixed minions being unplaceable after their placing failed
Made minions stackable, if their level, type, charge, statistics are the same
- Fixed SuperiorSkyBlock2 admin bypass
- Fixed IridiumSkyBlock support
- Fixed IridiumSkyBlock admin bypass
- Fixed EconomyShopGUI hook
- Implemented PlayerPoints hook
- Made minor optimizations to miner minions
- Added KGenerators support
- Fixed an issue with SuperiorSkyBlock2 islands where minions would not place items into their connected container
- Updated to Kotlin 1.9.22