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# AxBoosters
## What is AxBoosters?
- A highly customizable booster plugin with more than 30 supported plugins.
## What Can Boosters Do?
- There are [_many plugins that we support_](AxBoosters-Supported-Plugins.md), there are also builtin boosters, some increase money gain, xp gain, some give other perks like flying or movement speed.
## Types of Boosters
- Activatable Boosters
- Item Boosters (Armor/Hand/Offhand/Inventory)
- Permission Boosters
- API Boosters
## Most Important Features
* **Databases**: H2, MySQL, PostgreSQL
* **Multi Server Support** (no redis needed)
* **Ingame Editor**: /axboostersadmin editor
* **Booster Inventory** where the unactivated boosters can be stored
* **Smart Bossbar** (auto switches between active boosters)
* Boosters continue after server restart
* 3 Booster Scopes: GLOBAL, PERSONAL, TEAM
* **Great Performance**: The plugin is highly optimized, and it handles many tasks asynchronously.
* **Server Boosters**: No players required, perfect for global booster events
* **Negative boosters**, you can apply curses to players
* **Join notifications**, so players never miss active boosters
* **Thank You Button**: Other players can thank booster players
* **Discord Webhooks** on booster start and end
* **Customizable guis**: You can edit/remove any item, you can use our _[advanced Item Builder](Item-Builder.md)_
* Booster Sorting in the GUIs
* _[**Developer API**](AxBoosters-Developer-API.md)_
* Sounds on booster activation and when they end
### Active Booster
- Active boosters always refer to the boosters that were activated by either a player or the server.
- They are made up from a Booster and a start date
### Booster
- Boosters are the most important internally, they are used for most kind of boosters.
- They are made up from a Booster Type and other fields (multiplier, owner, length, audience, date)
### Booster Type
- Booster Types are what your configured boosters are called.
- They can be found in the plugins/AxBoosters/boosters folder, you can edit them, remove them, this can also be done in the /axboostersadmin editor > Boosters menu
- Note: A single booster type can have an unlimited number of booster hooks active, not the other way around!
### Booster Hook
- Booster hooks are the smallest group, they are registered by external plugins (and there are some builtin ones)
- You can check the list of avaliable ones on your server in the /axboostersadmin editor > Loaded Booster Hooks menu!
### Audience
- An audience is the group that is affected by a certain booster.
- More information: **[Audience](AxBoosters-Audiences.md)**
# Types of Boosters
- Note: Booster Type is the name of your booster configuration file, that can be found in the AxBoosters/boosters folder.
- Read for more information: **[Explanation of Some Words](AxBoosters-Explanation-of-some-words.md)**
## Activatable Boosters
- They can be given with the _[/axboosteradmin give](AxBoosters-Commands.md)_ command!
- They are added to the player's inventory (/axboosters) and they can activate it any time.
## Permission Boosters
- You need a permission plugin for this (for example LuckPerms)
- They are very simple, you can activate them by setting the following permission: axboosters.boost.<\Booster Type>.<\multiplier>
- Example: `axboosters.boost.mybooster.200` - this will give a +200% (or 3x) booster of the `mybooster` type
## Item Boosters
- There are many types of Item Boosters:
- **Hand**: Activated when the item is in your main hand
- **Offhand**: Activated when the item is in your second hand
- **Armor**: Activated when you are wearing the item
- **Inventory**: Activated when the item is anywhere in your inventory
- You can add them to ANY item with the /axboosteradmin apply command (use /axboosteradmin unapply to remove them)