Hello, we will work on adding more customizability features for the GUI.
However, I don't think you can simply compare two different plugins with different concepts and expect the same functionality.
Version: 2.5.4
They are quick to answer on discord! Works as it should! It's easy to set up, and translate.
It would be a good plugin if it worked properly. The first 2-3 boxes do what they are supposed to do and function normally. However, as more boxes are unpacked, the countdown either does not load, does not sell, or goes into negative values immediately. Until this is properly resolved, it is unusable. I do not recommend putting it on a community server.
Hello, we are unaware of any of the described issues.
Can you please take the time to report these on our discord so we can help you out and look into them?
After all, the plugin is used perfectly fine on multiple large servers using EconomyShopGUI.
Version: 2.4.1
Pleas, add a support for ShopGuiPlus plugin ShopGui+ Is best shop plugin :) Good day
This plugin is a addon for EconomyShopGUI, and Im not planning to change that any time soon.
Version: 2.2.3
I have a few questions,
1. Could you make the plugin synchronize with economy shop gui.
2. Could you make the chest sell items automatically every minute or so instead of how it is now that the chest needs to be opened.
that would make the plugin a 5/5
Im not sure what you mean exactly by syncronize as you are already able to add the chests to shop using '/editshop addhanditem'.
The chests are sold every x configurable time, you can set this time in your config.
Version: 2.1.1
The tie in between this plugin and the authors EconomyShopGui, is awesome. Very easy to setup, and very customizable. Great work!!
[AutoSellChests] Task #84 for AutoSellChests v1.2.0 generated an exception
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.bukkit.World.getChunkAt(org.bukkit.Location)" because the return value of "org.bukkit.Location.getWorld()" is null
at org.bukkit.Location.getChunk(Location.java:113) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at me.gypopo.autosellchests.scheduler.SellScheduler.lambda$startNextInterval$0(SellScheduler.java:52) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:81) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:400) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.b(MinecraftServer.java:1179) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServer.b(DedicatedServer.java:394) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:1127) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:966) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$0(MinecraftServer.java:273) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:831) [?:?]