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Other Support Methods:
GitHub and Spigot DM's (
@MrButtersDev ) are another good place for support. I check them almost daily. For quick and general support Discord is the best option. Although for documenting bugs feel free to create an issue
here on GitHub .
Configuration - config.yml
msgPrefix field is a string that represents the message prefix for messages related to the AutoPickup feature. It is displayed in the chat with a specific color code formatting.
msgAutoPickupEnable and
msgAutoPickupDisable fields are strings that represent the messages displayed when the player enables or disables the AutoPickup feature, respectively. They are displayed in the chat with a specific color code formatting.
msgAutoSmeltEnable and
msgAutoSmeltDisable fields are strings that represent the messages displayed when the player enables or disables the AutoSmelt feature, respectively. They are displayed in the chat with a specific color code formatting.
msgAutoMobDropsEnable and
msgAutoMobDropsDisable fields are strings that represent the messages displayed when the player enables or disables the AutoMobDrops feature, respectively. They are displayed in the chat with a specific color code formatting.
msgAutoEnable field is a string that represents the message displayed when the AutoPickup feature is automatically enabled. It is displayed in the chat with a specific color code formatting. The
doAutoEnableMSG field is a boolean value that specifies whether the message defined in the
msgAutoEnable field should be displayed or not.
msgEnabledJoinMSG field is a string that represents the message displayed when a player joins the game and the AutoPickup feature is automatically enabled. It is displayed in the chat with a specific color code formatting. The
doEnabledOnJoinMSG field is a boolean value that specifies whether the message defined in the
msgEnabledJoinMSG field should be displayed or not.
msgReload field is a string that represents the message displayed when the configuration is reloaded. It is displayed in the chat with a specific color code formatting.
msgFullInv field is a string that represents the message displayed when the player's inventory is full. It is displayed in the chat with a specific color code formatting. The
doFullInvMSG field is a boolean value that specifies whether the message defined in the
msgFullInv field should be displayed or not.
titlebar section contains fields related to the display of a title bar message when the player's inventory is full. The
doTitleBar field is a boolean value that specifies whether the title bar message should be displayed or not. The
line1 and
line2 fields are strings that represent the two lines of the title bar message. They are displayed in the chat with a specific color code formatting.
voidOnFullInv field is a boolean value that specifies whether extra blocks broken by the player should be voided when the AutoPickup feature is enabled and the player's inventory is full.
usingSilkSpawnerPlugin field is a boolean value that specifies whether a Silk Spawner plugin is in use preventing players from receiving XP from breaking spawners. Defaulting to true, the plugin assumes your using a silk spawner plugin and will let that plugin manage XP drops for spawners.
ignoreMobXPDrops field is a boolean value that represents whether or not Auto Pickup should collect XP from mobs or allow it to drop naturally.
msgNoperms field is a string that represents the message displayed when a player does not have permission to run a command. It is displayed in the chat with a specific color code formatting.
requirePerms section contains fields that specify whether players require permission to run certain commands. The
autopickup field is a boolean value that specifies whether players require permission to run the
/autopickup command. The
auto-reload field is a boolean value that specifies whether players require permission to run the
/auto reload command.
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Blacklist's - blacklist.yml
doBlacklisted field is a boolean value that specifies whether the blacklist feature for blocks should be enabled. If set to
true , the blocks listed in the
Blacklisted field will be prevented from being picked up by the player.
doBlacklistedEntities field is a boolean value that specifies whether the blacklist feature for entities should be enabled. If set to
true , the entities listed in the
BlacklistedEntities field will not drop items when killed by the player.
Blacklisted field is a list of block names that should be prevented from being picked up by the player when the blacklist feature is enabled.
BlacklistedEntities field is a list of entity names that should not drop items when killed by the player when the blacklist feature is enabled.
BlacklistedWorlds field is a list of world names in which the blacklist features should be applied.
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Placeholder Configuration - papi.yml
papi section contains fields related to the
PlaceholderAPI plugin. The enabled field is a subfield that has two subfields of its own,
true and
false . These subfields are strings that represent messages displayed when the AutoPickup plugin is enabled or disabled, respectively. They are displayed in the chat with a specific color code formatting.
PAPI Placeholders:
Code (Kotlin):
% autopickup_autoenabled
% autopickup_dropsenabled
% autopickup_autosmeltenabled
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