You can now change the config, if you want the messages to be sent in order or randomly. All you have to change is, "
sendMessagesInOrder" to false, if you want messages to be sent randomly, to true if you want them to be sent in order. Please report any bugs.
I have also removed the clickable messages feature, because there was a bug and a feature I couldn't implement. When I will figure it out, they will be added later on. Thank you for using my plugin.
For now, there is only one clickable hover message that is customisable inside the config.yml. This message when clicked will go to a url that is put in the config.yml. Inside the config the text that is sent to chat is customisable, the text that when you hover on the message is customisable, and the url that will be sent to the player is customisable.
Thank you for using AutoMessage, and if there is any bugs please join my discord and tell me about it.
I have added 2 new commands,
/automessage getdelay and
/automessage changedelay.
It's pretty obvious what the commands do. The command
/automessage getdelay shows you what is the current delay set for the messages to be sent at.
With the command
/automessage changedelay you can change the delay without going inside the config.yml file, however you will need to reload the config yourself by using
/automessage reload.
I have now added 2 new subcommands.
/automessage <soundoff & soundon>
They do the same thing as the last update but instead you can now turn off the broadcast message sound in-game.