This update adds tons of new features, content, and fixes many bugs. A lot of time was put into this update so if you enjoy the plugin, consider making a donation:
New Features:
- Added Alchemy abilities:
- Alchemist - Potions you brew have a percent longer duration.
- Brewer - Earn more Alchemy XP
- Splasher - Potions you splash gain a longer duration for each player affected.
- Lingering - Lingering potions naturally decay slower and decay less per affected entity.
- Wise Effect - Gain Wisdom for every unique active potion effect.
- Added Sharp Hook Mana Ability for Fishing:
- Deal damage to a hooked entity when left clicking with a fishing rod
- Options to display-damage-with-scaling and enable-sound (both true by default)
- Added Item and Armor Requirements:
- Require at least a certain skill level to use modifiers on an item/armor
- New commands for requirements:
- /sk item requirement add
- /sk item requirement remove
- /sk item requirement list
- /sk item requirement removeall
- /sk armor requirement add
- /sk armor requirement remove
- /sk armor requirement list
- /sk armor requirement removeall
- Multiple requirements for different skills can be added on the same item
- Added new messages for requirement commands and lore
- Added new permissions for requirement commands (Ex: aureliumskills.item.requirement.add)
- Added config section for requirements:
- item:
- 'prevent-tool-use' - Whether block breaking should be blocked when a player does not meet a requirement
- 'prevent-weapon-use' - Whether attacking entities should be blocked when a player does not meet a requirement
- 'prevent-block-place' - Whether block placing should be blocked when a player does not meet a requirement
- armor:
- 'prevent-armor-equip' - Whether armor should be unable to be equipped when a player does not meet a requirement
- Global requirements:
- Global requirements apply to every item of a specific material
- Defined in the '' and '' as lists
- Format: '- [material] [skill_1]:[level_1] [skill_2]:[level_2] ...'
- Ex: '- IRON_PICKAXE MINING:10 ENDURANCE:5' <- This would require Mining 10 and Endurance 5 to use ANY iron pickaxe
- Added new "sources_config.yml":
- Options in this file will be used instead of the old options in the main config
- You must migrate your old values to the new file
- Archery and Fighting sources are now for every mob type
- Mob types include all mobs up to 1.16
- Added custom block XP sources:
- Applicable to Farming, Foraging, Mining, and Excavation
- Add "custom:" section under the specific skill section in "sources_config.yml"
- In the custom section, keys are the block name and values are the xp amount
- Use 1.13+ block names even if in 1.12
- Example path: sources.mining.custom.sandstone: 4.0
- Custom blocks are checked for block replace automatically
- Item modifiers now support the offhand:
- The same type of stat can have a modifier on both the main hand and offhand
- The modifier name visible in /sk modifier list has a "-offhand" at the end to denote an offhand modifier
- All existing item modifiers will work with both hands
- Added option "modifier.item.enable-off-hand" to enable/disable
- Added MythicMobs support:
- Just like custom block XP sources, add the "custom:" section under fighting and archery in "sources_config.yml"
- Under the section, the keys are the MythicMobs mob internal name and the value is the xp amount
- Killing a MythicMob that is defined in the sources config will override the default value for that mob type
- Killing a MythicMob that has not been defined in the sources config will give the default xp for that mob type
- Added new 'strength.use-percent' option to use a percent increase damage system instead of adding:
- This option makes the base weapon damage, enchantments, and attack cooldown more important because the percent is applied on the base vanilla damage (with enchantments).
- In order to show the correct percent on the stats menu, disable 'display-damage-with-health-scaling'
- Add a percent symbol in the message 'menus.stats_menu.attack_damage' for display
- It is recommended to increase the 'strength.modifier' if this option is enabled, but do your own testing
- Added new message languages:
- IMPORTANT: To use these languages, you MUST add them to the languages list in config.yml!
- Turkish (tr)
- Polish (pl)
- Portuguese, Brazilian (pt-BR)
- Chinese, Simplified (zh-CN)
- German (de)
- Updated es, fr, id, and zh-TW messages
- SkillLoader optimizations
- Bamboo implemented as a farming source (previously didn't work):
- Every bamboo above that breaks from physics still gives XP
- Reduced default XP amount to 0.25
- Removed now unused skill xp types from "config.yml"
- Added API methods with UUID parameters for each existing method when possible
- Individual language files will now only update if the embedded language file for that language has a different file_version
- Moved messages files to a new messages directory. If the directory does not exist yet, old message files will be moved to the new directory.
- Mana Ability cooldowns now support decimals
- Speed Mine will now activate on netherrack, basalt, and blackstone
- Added spectral arrows, tipped arrows, and tridents as ways to level Archery and now work with the strength stat
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed NPC null pointers
- Fixed bug with item modifiers not removing stat modifiers when moving in inventory
- The screen will now shake less often when applying health modifiers (will only shake if necessary)
- Disabled skills will no longer display on the stats menu lists of primary and secondary skills
- Money rewards are now formatted to 2 decimal places
- Disabled abilities will no longer show up on menus
- Embedded English messages will now be used when a message is missing in messages_en.yml (fixes NPEs)
- Fixed encoding issues with updating message files