Scaling allows the resizing of mobs based on AuraMobs level
Scaling entries are defined in the `scaling.levels` section
The key of each section within `levels` is the mob level range it applies to (e.g. `1-20:`)
Options within each level range include:
`chance` - The chance for a mob to be scaled from 0 to 1 (defaults to 1)
`scale` - The scale to set the mob to, where 1 is unchanged. This can be a single decimal (1.5), a comma separated string (1, 2, 3), or a range (1-3).
`types` - A list of entity types to only apply this scale to. If not specified, all mob types will be scaled.
The `scaling.override` option controls how the existing scale of mobs are handled. If true, the AuraMobs scale will override any existing scale. If false, the mob will be multiplied from its existing scale.
Add support for bosses (thanks Fly)
Boss levels can be enabled with the `bosses.enabled` option
Bosses have separate options for health, damage, and level formulas
Add max health and damage options (thanks Noogear)
Define formulas for maximum possible mob/boss health and damage
Available placeholders are `{mob_health}`, `{mob_damage}`, `{level}`, and `{distance}`
Add support for trial spawner mobs by default (thanks Fly)
Existing configs should add `'TRIAL_SPAWNER'` to the spawn_reasons list