AuctionGUI+ [1.8-1.21] icon

AuctionGUI+ [1.8-1.21] -----

Advanced auction GUI with bids, works on all versions from 1.8 to 1.21, Auction House alternative

Version: 1.38.1
Its a great plugin, but it needs to update to 1.21.4 so it works. I hope the author can get it working again on the latest version.

Version: 1.35.1
The response from the author may take longer, however it is helpful. I'm satisfied with the plugin.

Version: 1.34.0
Hey guys, be careful if you read a bad review here and don't download anything from his Discord, he will follow you across all platforms

Version: 1.34.0
The plugin owner spams that you can download the updated plugin from your Discord even though you tell him that you only want to download it via Spigot, but he doesn't understand it and keeps writing to you on Spigot and Discord asking you to join his Discord even though you've said it several times that you don't want to download from third parties. I find something like that very grinning

Version: 1.34.0
Update Pls of Minecraft 1.21 pls pls .............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: 1.34.0
the plugin work for 1.20.4 rly good, but the developer is not aktive at all
for a paid plugin its rly bad.
a lot of guys waiting for the 1.20.6 update but the dev is saying nothing about it, so i think the plugin have reach the eol.

Version: 1.34.0
rly good plugin a nice to have.
but only 3 stars for the dev.
he is not rly aktiv.

Version: 1.34.0
Amazing plugin, very clean layouts and almost everything is configurable, sql support is a big plus. Hoping for 1.20.6 soon!

Version: 1.30.1
Wait 3 month for just one single api... Not recommend while there is many much more better alternative auction plugins to choose.

Version: 1.30.1
Great plugin, I love it! The admin was fast to answer my question and took my suggestion with interest!

I highly suggest the plugin, my players love it too!
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 1.28.1
This is a great plugin but is not working on Version 1.19.4. Works great on 1.19.3.
Author's response
Thank you! The 1.19.4 update will be out soon.

Version: 1.28.1
Fab plugin, and amazing support from Mackenzie! The dev himself seems inactive, so know what you're doing!
Author's response
Thank you! Mackenzie is doing great job indeed but psst, I'm still there, just doing more work behind the scenes lately.

Version: 1.28.1
Finally plugin is working as it should! Thanks to the new devs they're doing a great work fixing bugs and giving any other support.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 1.28.1
A really nice and easy plugin! Worked out of the box, no config required. But lots is configurable, would recommend for any server looking for an auction plugin

I would love to see a BIN (Buy it now) feature to cut an auction short. Allow to set the BIN price during the auction setup.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 1.26.0
**Won't Recommend plugin** Paid plugin support is not good, dev is being really inactive and I don't blame him personal life stuff.

Plugin still has another money dupe bug and I've been waiting over 2 months for this fix and nothing yet they just released a 1.19+ support. Plugin has potential, but is not usable until this gets fixed.

Version: 1.25.1
In terms of layout, it may be a little lacking of features, however it's compatibility is great as it actually functions perfectly on 1.7.10 despite the name saying it goes back to 1.8!
Author's response
Thank you! We'll be doing some improvements to the GUIs soon. If you have any specific suggestions we'd be more than happy to hear them.

Version: 1.25.1
Plugin is quite messy and has a dupe bug that has been reported in tickets for months. Still no news and the plugin is slowly dying.

Ticket opened — 05/07/2022
Today: 29/08/2022 (almost 2 months let's gooo !

Version: 1.25.1
Would be even better if there's an option for a fixed percentage increment like 5% of the starting price,it's a bit annoying when a high value items has a super low increment.

Version: 1.15.0
High-quality auction plugin that works really well. Easy to configure and teach players how to use!

Version: 1.9.0
My players love it!
It made my server more Mabinogi like (Nexon game), for the auction thing :D

Version: 1.7.0
Nice, we finally got the category: D. Would it be possible to add an instant purchase item?

Version: 1.6.0
Very good......................................................................................

Version: 1.4.4
Great plugin, players love it and it frees up the chat of spam, though I would love it if there was a buy-out option when putting something up on Auction so players can just buy items out if they want to!

Version: 1.4.4
I am using it on my 1.12.2 servers and it is working PERFECTLY! I just love it <3

Version: 1.4.2-SNAPSHOT
Buyer Beware, This plugin isn't working for me in latest Spigot Build 1.13.2 Version. It throws a Java error and prevents Plugin to Load. Of course i asked for support and no response at all. I checked all the requirments and there is no other plugin dependancy and nothing that i could be missing, Tested it on Empty Server and didn't work. Dev isn't active. (last seen more than 2 weeks ago). Very dissapointed of throwing my money away.

Version: 1.4.2-SNAPSHOT
"Advanced auction GUI with bids, works on 1.7.10-1.13.2, Auction House alternative"

dont work on paperspigot 1.13.2 :/

Version: 1.4.1-SNAPSHOT
Great plugin! Worked out of the box, no config required. I would love to see a "Buy it now" feature to cut an auction short and purchase the item immediately for a higher set price.

Version: 1.4.1-SNAPSHOT
An Absolutely Incredible Plugin. Simple to use, Easy to Configure (if needed), and just an overall pleasant experience compared to the reading and searching of the other auction plugins. hands down the best one.

Version: 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT
Please update to 1.13
The plugin is not bad but I want my server to go to the latest version!

Version: 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT
I buy plugin.Plugin work normally.
Best plugin I see ever.

Really cool plugin.

Version: 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT
I buy it.
I very like this plugin!
Works great
Everybody lest buy this Plugin Now!

Version: 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT
Very awesome plugin.
I purchased this a few years ago.
At that time, there were many problems and it was not possible to use it properly.

But now it is different.
There is no trouble, it is very easy to use with intuitive operation.

Version: 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT
Panducorno was here

Version: 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT
I am glad to be able to say that after the wait for an update on the plugin, the update was effective and restored the plugin to working order.

I am very impressed with how the plugin is so complex, yet so simple to use. The messages are easy to customize and the configuration is rather easy to follow. This is definitely the best auction plugin I have come across (after using 2 prior to this one).

This plugin is the only auction plugin that allows use of TokenManager (super dope feature which makes this plugin unique).

The dev handles grumpy customers pretty well, and for that reason I gave this resource 5 stars.

Version: 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
It's a shame. This plugin has great potential, but it seems like the dev has abandoned it. I wouldn't recommend purchasing it until you see another update.

Version: 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
Alright plugin, works mostly.

Theres an issue that when a seller cancels their auction the bidders do not receive the money back. Leads to a lot of scams and players losing money.

Also, there isn't a "Buy it now" as most other auction plugins have :/

Version: 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
Works great but one recommendation :/ come out with a new update that allows players to cancel their auction

Version: 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
You cant duplicate items, fix that.

Version: 1.2.13-SNAPSHOT
Good plugin, but have one error, went the another player are offline and one player win the auc the player offline no recive the money. I use esseltialsx to economy plugin and no mysql.

Version: 1.2.13-SNAPSHOT
The best auction plugin! No bugs, dupes, errors! Just working fine and fast, MYSQL support! Cross-Server auctions, etc..
But... There is still no option to sell items with no bids, because some of my players likes GlobalMarket plugin, but this one has dupes and many errors and don`t support 1.10+ versions. But this plugin allows to place item for some price - and sell it rapidly, before the duration timer ends.
Author's response
I'm glad you like it! The BIN option will be added soon, however you might be also interested in my other plugin, PlayerShopGUI+.

Version: 1.2.12-SNAPSHOT
Wow This plugin is AWSOME!!! A++

This plugin is worth buying ! i am very happy with it.
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.2.12-SNAPSHOT
This plugin is amazing, thanks for all the great work!

Only thing i could think of to make it much better was if a "buy it now" option could be added (obviously could be disabled in config). This would make it so much better!
Author's response
Thanks :) It'll be added soon.

Version: 1.2.10-SNAPSHOT
All working awesome! recomending plugin

add feature pls:

to insta buy item.

start price
insta buy price

in bid gui add button to insta buy item with insta buy item price

that make your plugin perfect!
Author's response
Thanks :) These features will be added soon.

Version: 1.2.10-SNAPSHOT
Perfect plugin, cant you add mynetwork on tested. <3
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.2.8-SNAPSHOT
Awesome plugin (first plugin what i purchaised and all work with out errors)!!!!
Would be very cool if we get auctions custom items groups (managed from config) to create custom sort players auctions by item id's

like - build blocks, swords, elytras, books, tools, heads, etc..

in any large or middle online server that really need cuz when ure have
50 everage online - that mean ure have 800+ players per day and that mean tons of items in auc...
Author's response
Thanks :) The item categories will be added in a few weeks.

Version: 1.2.6-SNAPSHOT
EXCELLENT plugin, the best auction plugin avalaible in spigot. Gui extremely intuitive and easy to learn. 10/10
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.2.4-SNAPSHOT
Excellent plugin! Love the compatibility of designing the Gui's myself.
To the comment below, you can add more increments just customize the GUI in config.
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.2.1-SNAPSHOT
Wonderful plugin. Absolutely no bugs or errors so far! Although. I wish you could put a bigger increment than +100.
Author's response
Thanks :) The increment can be changed in config.yml.

Version: 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT
This plugin is fairly good, none of my players have a problem with this so far, and its simple which is why i chose this plugin worth buying!
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT
have come to expect amazing plugin from brc and he hasnt let me down yet. worth every penny and an auctul auction expierence unlike AuctionHouse. 10/10
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT
The plugin works as intended. I didn't really find any bugs it's just my players didn't really like it.

I tried this plugin to replace the spammy auction one. People demanded the old one back after I spent $9 or whatever the price is. I think the problem people had is that it's more of a mixture between the famous Auction House or Global Market and the Auction everyone is used to. I think people just had a hard time going into the menus and having to wait for the 10 minuets to get the bid back.

I think this plugin would be a lot better if for 1) There was a +/- button inside when you click on an item. I doubt that is possible, so instead just have buttons to increase by +100,+1000, 10,000, 100000, or configurable amounts.

Another complaint is that the initial wording for the messages made little sense. Usually when you type /auc on a plugin similar, it gives you the exact layout of what you want. If you do that on here, it just puts the held item up with the preset default value ($10). So lets say you have your super epic diamond sword, type /auc to see how to put it up for bid, and bam it's up for $10 and the entire server knows.

My biggest complaint is how it is all in the GUI, but you can't really do much when inside it. I hope this can get a few updates so I can reinstall it to remove the old spam.
Author's response
Thank you for your input. I'll take it into account during further development. Don't hesitate to PM me if you'd like to add anything.

Version: 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT
Amazing plugin, only I have some suggestions - 1. Add sounds when any action happens (configurable), so player would hear a sound, when someone bid on his item etc. 2. Its hard to explain, but - I would like to ban renamed items (only spawners, but allow original), because right now many players try to scam with renamed spawners...
Author's response
Thanks, added to the todo list.

Version: 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT
Great plugin, works perfectly and flawlessly, one thing I find weird is that there is no reload command, Also, how to cancel someone else's auction (Since it is mentioned in permissions as a node)
I can't give it less than 5 starts because all mentioned is here and works great ;)
Author's response
Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
There's a reload command - /auc reload
You can cancel other auctions with middle mouse button

Version: 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT
Great plugin! It's my personal favorite auction plugin, and not just because it's the only one that supports my kinda unconventional server ;D

Everything is super customization, all the gui icons, their descriptions, and even their locations. Haven't encountered any bugs, either. 5/5
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT
Damn cool plugin. We just got this installed and already up and running as intended, very easy to set up and more importantly .. its easy for the players to use, one command to do it all. spot on.
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.0.16-SNAPSHOT
Amazing plugin, for the most servers you will just drag and drop it, add some permissions and it will work, no need to configure it. Totally worth the money spent on it. Starting an auction via GUI would be great.
Author's response
Thanks :) The option to start auctions using a GUI will be added soon.

Version: 1.0.9-SNAPSHOT
This is great! Been looking for a GUI Auction plugin!! thank you! As previously mentioned the option to to start via the GUI would be a great asset! Worth the money either way... I will keep my eyes peeled for that change :)
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.0.9-SNAPSHOT
Get support! great plugin for modded servers also :) its much better then the old auctions i been using! thanks you
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.0.7-SNAPSHOT
Works great and is definitely worth the money! Could you maybe add the option to start auctions via GUI?
Author's response
Thanks :) It'll be added soon.

Version: 1.0.7-SNAPSHOT
I am again purchasing another plugin from this dev, I've bought ShopGui+ and now I'm buying this one to complement the other one.
Very easy to use once I understood the commands.
11/10 would buy again.
Keep up with the good work!
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.0.7-SNAPSHOT
Good plugin, and excellent developer. Support is quick and frequent. Recommended buy! Thanks and keep up the good work.
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.0.7-SNAPSHOT
Awesome! this plugin is a great addition for just about any server that would like it's players the ability to sell/auction there items. This dev does excellent work, highly recommend his plugins!
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.0.5-SNAPSHOT
Ok i neeed help, i am using 1.7.10-1.8 spigot and i setted up mysql and i restarted the server and when i did /auction it said /auction reload and i did that and it kept on saying that so CAN YOU PLEAS HELP ME!
Author's response
Reviews aren't meant for support, please PM me the startup log of your server and we will continue our conversation there.

Version: 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT
This developer makes the best plugins. Keep up the awesome work, I look forward to future updates. .
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT
Another great and usefull resource from one of the nicest developer on Spigot! Keep up the good work, bring more of these nice plugins to life!
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT
This is the best auction plugin in Spigot! For those who havent buy this plugin, I highly recommend you guys to buy it! At first I thought is expensive but once I have used it, it works like a charm and it definitely worths more the price. I have seen other plugin that have less feature but it worths more. The author also response fast to his buyers. Keep up!
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT
simple,easy,nice plugin
kind and activity developer
Author's response
Thanks :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,088
First Release: Feb 27, 2016
Last Update: Nov 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
60 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings