Patch bug with the message of disconnect kill count who was not translate
Patch bug who added points in the other faction when tagged player disconnected ( if player disconnected in attack camp, points being given in attack camp )
Patch bug with YamlUpdater do not work after the latest update
Patch bug with non agression cooldown after the creation of faction ( cancel start of assault even if the time of creation of the 2 countries was exceeded )
Adding new boolean values in AssaultAPI ( isInAssault, isDirectAssaultFaction ( return true if it is a faction who are start or receive assault ), isInTheSameAssault ( works only with direct assault factions for this moment ).
Adding new means for disable pvp in the players factions outside assault
Adding new means for disable pvp between two assaults ( example, if faction1 and faction2 are in assault, in the same time than faction3 and faction4, the players in assault between faction1 and faction2 cannot pvp player in assault between faction3 and faction4. Wilderness players or players who are not in assault cannot pvp this players when they are in assault )
Modification of yaml updater for synchronize comments in the configuration
Adding compatibility of the plugin with the versions highter of 1.12.2 ( from 1.7 to 1.20.6 )
Adding new Yaml Updater for update config.yml after updates
Modifications of the default values in anti interact in or excluding assault for set string
Refactoring of the project
Adding new events AssaultStartEvent, AssaultStopEvent, AssaultWinEvent, AssaultLooseEvent, KillInAssaultEvent, PlayerDisconnectInAssaultEvent
Patch bug who added points for defense faction when player is killed in defense side on a joining faction
Adding new system for punish players who disconnect in assault : when player disconnect and has already pvp in this assault, after a certain period in seconds, a kill are counted for the opposing side
Adding new means for modify elo and datas of factions (API)
Adding new means for delete factions in datas (API)
Adding of function who create new updates key in old configuration
Remove abilities of disband faction who are in assault, due to problems with scoreboard and differents datas
Adding new system of non assault countdown for new factions ( in days of creation )
Adding new system of non assault countdown after /f enemy ( in minutes )
Adding system for remove usage of direct /f enemy ( useful if you want to create roleplay server with specific rules and conditions for set faction in enemy for example )
Adding new means for modify elo and datas of factions (API)
Adding new means for delete factions in datas (API)
Adding of function who create new updates key in old configuration
Remove abilities of disband faction who are in assault, due to problems with scoreboard and differents datas
Adding new system of non assault countdown for new factions ( in days of creation )
Adding new system of non assault countdown after /f enemy ( in minutes )
Adding system for remove usage of direct /f enemy ( useful if you want to create roleplay server with specific rules and conditions for set faction in enemy for example )
- Bug fix who given points in defense faction when player who assault join with defense faction and he dead
- Bug fix with number of allies who not shown correctly in scoreboard
- Adding new command /assault admin modifyelo for modify wins, looses or elo points for given faction
- Adding automatic tab completation for assault command
- Bug fix that displayed hours/minutes as 3:9 instead of 03:09
- Adding new command /assault join <faction> for join assault with an other faction
- Adding new command /assault accept <faction> for accept request of join assault
- Improvement of help menu
- Adding new entries in assault scoreboard : Number of allies and allies of ennemies
- Improvement of assault scoreboard
- Bug fix and improvement of logic for /assault admin stop <faction>
- Bug fix with /assault admin resetcd command
- Bug fix with Bukkit Runnable that updated the assault status which did not stop when there is no longer an assault in progress
- Bug fix with display name of scoreboard which, when it exceeded 32 characters, crashes the scoreboard due to the limit of characers in scoreboard display name in versions 1.8 to 1.12.2 ( now if the display name of scoreboard exceed 32 characters, it's cut between the thirty second characters and the end )
- Adding block/ items restriction ( Item and block interact, block place and block break )
- Adding new permissions for bypass items/ blocks restrictions