Before you update, delete the ArnimiPro-Nick-Plugin folder in your plugins folder. That is because the plugin needs a new config file to work!
Updates: New Command: /setwebhook <Webhook Link>
New Permission: nick.setwebhook
The new config file:
Code (YAML):
# Here you can configure everything, what is listed below! # !ONLY CHANGE THE THINGS AFTER THE COLON (this => :)! # Discord Webhook DISCORD_WEBHOOK: <Insert your Discord Webhook Link here
> # Messages # Discord DISCORD_MESSAGE_SENT_SUCCESS: "Message sent successfully!" DISCORD_MESSAGE_FAIL_RESPONSE: "Failed to send message. Response code: " DISCORD_MESSAGE_FAIL_ERROR: "An error occurred while sending the webhook message: " DISCORD_MESSAGE_CHANGE_BEFORE_NAME: "The name of " DISCORD_MESSAGE_CHANGE_BEFORE_NEW_NAME: " was changed to " DISCORD_MESSAGE_CHANGE_AFTER_NEW_NAME: "!" DISCORD_MESSAGE_RESET_BEFORE_NAME: "The nickname of " DISCORD_MESSAGE_RESET_BEFORE_NEW_NAME: " has been reset! (Previously the player's name was: " DISCORD_MESSAGE_RESET_AFTER_NEW_NAME: ")" DISCORD_MESSAGE_LEAVE_RESET_BEFORE_NAME: "The nickname of " DISCORD_MESSAGE_LEAVE_RESET_AFTER_NAME: " has been reset because they left the server." DISCORD_SHUTDOWN: "The plugin/server is shutting down." DISCORD_WEBHOOK_CHANGE_BEFORENEW: "The Webhook-Link was successfully changed to: " DISCORD_WEBHOOK_CHANGE_AFTERNEW: "!" # Minecraft MINECRAFT_MESSAGE_NEW_NAME: "Your new name is " MINECRAFT_MESSAGE_NICK_RESET: "Your nickname has been reset!" MINECRAFT_MESSAGE_UNNICK_NO_NICKNAME_SET: "You don't have a nickname set." MINECRAFT_MESSAGE_NOT_PLAYER: "Only players can execute this command!" MINECRAFT_SHUTDOWN: "The plugin/server is shutting down." MINECRAFT_WEBHOOK_CHANGE_BEFORENEW: "The Webhook-Link was successfully changed to: " MINECRAFT_WEBHOOK_CHANGE_AFTERNEW: "!" MINECRAFT_NO_NEW_LINK_GIVEN: "No new Webhook-Link given." # Yaml NICK_SAVE_FAIL: "Failed to save nicks.yml: " DISCORD_NO_WEBHOOK: "You don't have an Discord Webhook configured! Configure it in the config.yml file or use /setwebhook."
Before you update, delete the ArnimiPro-Nick-Plugin folder in your plugins folder. That is because the plugin needs a new config file to work!
Config.yml You can now change every message freely.
Code (YAML):
# Here you can configure everything, what is listed below! # !ONLY CHANGE THE THINGS AFTER THE COLON (this => :)! # Discord Webhook DISCORD_WEBHOOK: <Insert your Discord Webhook Link here
> # Messages # Discord DISCORD_MESSAGE_SENT_SUCCESS: "Message sent successfully!" DISCORD_MESSAGE_FAIL_RESPONSE: "Failed to send message. Response code: " DISCORD_MESSAGE_FAIL_ERROR: "An error occurred while sending the webhook message: " DISCORD_MESSAGE_CHANGE_BEFORE_NAME: "The name of " DISCORD_MESSAGE_CHANGE_BEFORE_NEW_NAME: " was changed to " DISCORD_MESSAGE_CHANGE_AFTER_NEW_NAME: "!" DISCORD_MESSAGE_RESET_BEFORE_NAME: "The nickname of " DISCORD_MESSAGE_RESET_BEFORE_NEW_NAME: " has been reset! (Previously the player's name was: " DISCORD_MESSAGE_RESET_AFTER_NEW_NAME: ")" DISCORD_MESSAGE_LEAVE_RESET_BEFORE_NAME: "The nickname of " DISCORD_MESSAGE_LEAVE_RESET_AFTER_NAME: " has been reset because they left the server." # Minecraft MINECRAFT_MESSAGE_NEW_NAME: "Your new name is " MINECRAFT_MESSAGE_NICK_RESET: "Your nickname has been reset!" MINECRAFT_MESSAGE_UNNICK_NO_NICKNAME_SET: "You don't have a nickname set." MINECRAFT_MESSAGE_NICK_NO_NICKNAME_GIVEN: "Please use /nick <Nickname> or /unnick." MINECRAFT_MESSAGE_NOT_PLAYER: "Only players can execute this command!" # Yaml NICK_SAVE_FAIL: "Failed to save nicks.yml: " DISCORD_NO_WEBHOOK: "You don't have an Discord Webhook configured! Configure it in the config.yml file."
Permissions You now need permissions to use the nick plugin.