Note: There's a few changes in this version, including some permissions changes related to the /ascmd command. Please refer to the permissions section on the main resource page for details.
Added tool to convert an armor stand into an inventory item that when placed like a normal armor stand retains its inventory, pose and settings. If the player is in survival mode, converting to an item removes the original armor stand, or leaves the original if the player is in creative mode.
Rewrote the armor stand commands feature. Multiple commands can now be assigned to an armor stand. Each command has a priority to determine execution order and each command has a delay option in order to have a delay between commands. Refer to the main resource page for more info.
Added a BungeeCord command type that allows the ability to teleport to a different bungeecord server when right clicking an armor stand.
Modified permission checks so that more plugins should be automatically supported (Tested with Towny)
New config.yml option crouchRightClickOpensGUI: When set to true, a player with astools.use permission can crouch right click to open GUI without having to use the GUI (nether star) tool. Default: false