Armor Stand Toolkit Armor stand toolkit plugin provides a toolkit with which a player can modify apparel, pose, name, etc. of an armor stand.
Commands /toolkit - provides the player with the toolkit
Usage Right clicking with a toolkit on an armor stand provides the main menu. Right clicking with a toolkit with no armor stand provides a creator menu from which you can create an armor stand.
Permissions tool-permission: Allows usage of the /toolkit command tool-permission-use: Allows usage of the toolkit Config file:
name-of-the-tool: "&5Toolkit" name-of-the-creation-menu: "&eArmor Stand Creator" name-of-the-main-menu: "&eArmor Stand Menu" name-of-the-apparel-menu: "&eApparel Menu" name-of-the-pose-menu: "&ePose Menu"
return-to-main-menu: "&cMain Menu" creation-menu: create-name: "&9Create an Armor Stand"
main-menu: change-apparel: "&9Change Apparel" change-pose: "&9Change Pose" change-name: name: "&9Change Name" message: "&6Write the new name with color codes (&) into the chat." erase-name: "&dErase Name" reset: "&dReset" close: "&cClose"
pose-menu: set-pose-change-message: "&6Set pose of the current body part in the following format: X, Y, Z" head: name: "&6Head" description: "&9Change the pose of the head." body: name: "&6Body" description: "&9Change the pose of the body." left-hand: name: "&6Left Hand" description: "&9Change the pose of the left hand." right-hand: name: "&6Right Hand" description: "&9Change the pose of the right hand." left-leg: name: "&6Left Leg" description: "&9Change the pose of the left leg." right-leg: name: "&6Right Leg" description: "&9Change the pose of the right leg." reset-pose: "&6Reset Pose"
apparel-menu: head: name: "&6Head" description: "&9Put an item onto this one to change the head." chest: name: "&6Chest" description: "&9Put an item onto this one to change the chest plate." leggings: name: "&6Leggings" description: "&9Put an item onto this one to change the leggings." boots: name: "&6Boots" description: "&9Put an item onto this one to change the boots." left-hand: name: "&6Left Hand" description: "&9Put an item onto this one to change the item in the left hand." right-hand: name: "&6Right Hand" description: "&9Put an item onto this one to change the item in the right hand." enable-hands: "&9Show Hands" visibility: "&9Show Armor Stand" reset-apparel: "&cReset Apparel"
messages: only-player-can-use-this-command-message: "&cOnly a player can use this!" no-permission-message: "&cYou do not have the permission to do this!" throw-away-message: "&cYou can not throw away this item!" message-in-wrong-format: "&cYou have written the message in the wrong format!" message-with-unacceptable-characters: "&cYou have written unacceptable characters into the message! Only numbers, commas and spaces are tolerated!" too-big-of-a-number: "&cYou have written too big of a number! Only 0-360 values are accepted!" too-small-of-a-number: "&cYou have written too small of a number! Only 0-360 values are accepted!"
Footnote: This is my first plugin ever, so I would really appreciate every single piece of criticism you can think of!