WITH THIS UPDATE IT IS SUGGESTED TO TAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR AREAS - Improved safe locations to be more accurate and respect the whole block's coordinates.
- Improved safe locations to face the teleported player to the safe location's yaw and pitch.
- Reworked
/ar create command;
Added customisable block length. This allows to select the general size of each section of the area.
Smaller length values will create more and lighter schematics while bigger values will create fewer but heavier schematics.
It's suggested to create more schematics if the server experiences tps/performance drop when the area is loading, in order to reduce the resource consuption due to block placing.
This may however, impact the total time of both creation and loading of the area.
In contrast, fewer larger schematics will take less time to create and load but may negatively impact the server's performance depending on the size of the area.
Improved a/sync creation. It has been improved to choose the sync/async mode directly from command rather than setting it from the config for better versability and usability.
Added tab completition tips to make the command more straightforward. - Improved some commands description from
/ar help <command> command.
- Updated and fixed wrong prefixes and links.
- Added missing permission node.
- Fixed issue where the announcer wouldn't alternate chat colors correctly.
- Fixed issue upon attempting to create an area without having selected a region.
- Improved queue's logic and checks.
- Updated plugin's name on descriptions.
- Updated each configuration to have its own version rather than a global one.
Fixed issue where areas would not be loaded correctly when running the command from console.
Improved events management.
Improved general methods.
Improved data usage.
Improved debug to provide the full stack trace when printing commands issues.
Removed unused messages and methods.
Fixed issue with missing message from the load command.
Fixed issue where an error would be thrown when running the location command from console.
Fixed issue where an error would be thrown when using async creation and saving entities at the same time, if both conditions are true the creation will be overriden and run synchronously by default.
Removed outdated protocols.
Fixed mispelling issue in the version command's interface.
Improved area creation when the asynchronous option is enabled.
Added events for area's loading and completition.
Added Safe Location function: This mechanic allows you to createa a safe spot for players to be teleported to when they're standing in an area that is being loaded. As the area progressively loads, all players inside of it will be teleported to the designated destination.
Added /ar location command, this allows you to set a safe spot and teleport yourself to it.
Improved and updated areas' details.
Improved /ar hook command interface.
Updated /ar info command.
Fixed issues with AreaScheduler not working as intended.
Fixed issue with AreaScheduler not updating properly areas from configurations, fixed issue where areas would still automatically load after disabling the function and using the /ar reload command.
Improved /ar cancel command, fixed issue where areas would keep on loading from an old status process.
Added the option to create areas asynchronously. This function allows you to take off the main thread the creation of areas. When creating big areas this can help prevent lag spikes by moving off the server's load; note that this will not fix the lag spikes, it will just be "hidden".
Fixed issues with the /ar display command not updating correctly on reload command and not showing confirmation messages correctly.
Improved /ar help command to now show the suggestion tab.
Fixed issue where /ar help help would not show the correct messages.
Adjusted timings, now showing a more precise elapsed time of area loading.
Added sound effects when the creation of an area is successful or fails.
Removed "area stacking" when loading multiple areas at the same time when using fast mode, every area now uses a global interval or its own interval between runs.
Reorganised configuration files for config.yml and areas.yml
Added a warning message when a config version mismatch is found.
Improved code readability, general code cleanup, improved memory management.