AnvilEnhanced Premium 1.16.5 - 1.21.4 icon

AnvilEnhanced Premium 1.16.5 - 1.21.4 -----

Let players use anvil to enchant over the vanilla limit and rename in color. Hex color supported.

Hey guys. Sorry for the lack of update recently but i lost motivation to continue and i almost quit... I finally have a fix for the Too expensive module that was broken since 1.21. I also add a new option so you can now set maximum cost per rank.

Added - You can now specify maximum cost of the Too expensive module by rank in the GUI menu.
Added - You can now change every max level for every enchant for every rank in the GUI menu!
Added - New enchantments from 1.21
Fixed - The module for the "Too expensive!" is now fully functional again. (Was broken since 1.21).

If you find any bugs or want to submit a suggestion, please join my Discord

If you like my plugin, PLEASE, let a review!!! ❤️
----------, Dec 31, 2024

Added - New option to enable/disable the update checker

Fixed - A small error in the config.yml (resouce-pack should have been resouce-pack-enabled)

You have to delete the config.yml file and the plugin will create a new one or you can modify:
Code (YAML):
resource-pack : true
Code (YAML):
resource-pack-enabled : true
and add this to the bottom of the file:

Code (YAML):
# Enable or disable the update checker. If disabled,    #
# you'll not see if there's a new version available     #
: true
If you find any bugs or want to submit a suggestion, please join my Discord

If you like my plugin, PLEASE, let a review!!! ❤️
----------, Mar 24, 2024

Fix - Small fix with the enabled/disabled text when looking options in the menu.
----------, Mar 10, 2024

New option - You can now enable/disable the ability to rename with color in the anvil. Suggested by a member in discord to avoid conflict with other plugins like CMI that already has this feature.

Fixes - Fixed the code for groups and corresponding files where under certain conditions it could return an error in the console. Also removed debug code that i forgot (again...)

If you find any bugs or want to submit a suggestion, please join my Discord

If you like my plugin, PLEASE, let a review!!! ❤️
----------, Feb 25, 2024

Hey guys! I'm still improving the GUI menu of the Premium version.
Now when you delete groups, it will delete the files as well. You're not supposed to delete the default.yml so i added conditions in the code to prevent you to delete it accidently. I also fixed/cleaned some code.

New feature - Files are now deleted when you delete a group and you can't delete the default.yml with the GUI menu.

Fix - Possible errors if you delete the default.yml file.

Fix - Possible errors if you disable the too-expensive option.

Add - Warning in the console if you have too-expensive enabled but you don't have ProtocolLib installed.

If you find any bugs or want to submit a suggestion, please join my Discord

If you like my plugin, PLEASE, let a review!!! ❤️
----------, Feb 24, 2024

New feature - A brand new GUI menu to modify the config.yml file. In the next update i'll add the possibility to modify enchants limit in every rank files.

Added - New command with a new permission.
/aeconfig ➡️ anvilenhanced.admin.config

If you find any bugs or want to submit a suggestion, please join my Discord

If you like my plugin, PLEASE, let a review!!! ❤️
----------, Feb 17, 2024

Added - You can now enable/disable renaming with a new permission: anvilenhanced.rename
The permission is enabled by default. You need to set the permission to false to prevent a player from renaming an item with the anvil.

If you find any bugs or want to submit a suggestion, please join my Discord

If you like my plugin, PLEASE, let a review!!! ❤️
----------, Feb 4, 2024

Fix - Fixed an issue where the text was green even if you didn't have enough levels when the too-expensive-enabled was set to false.

If you find any bugs or want to submit a suggestion, please join my Discord

If you want to support me, you can do it in 2 ways:
Purchase my Premium version
Simply let a review ❤️
----------, Dec 1, 2023

New feature - Now you can modify the message and add color (hex color Premium only) to the message.

Fix - There was a bug with the message when renaming the item. The message was sent every time you added/removed a character in the input field. Now it's sent only once when changing the name and once again if the name is back to what it was. This also apply to the text of the bossbar

You have to delete the config.yml file to regenerate a new one
----------, Oct 5, 2023

New feature - The player can see the cost of the enchantment when the cost is over the limit set in the config file.
You have 2 ways of doing it: Sending a message to the player, with a BossBar (Premium only) or both!
You can choose how in the config file. (You'll have to delete the config file to generate a new one or just modify the code like this)

Code (YAML):
too-expensive-enabled : true
: 40

# Choose how you will display the level cost to enchant #
# when the level is higher than the maximum defined in  #
# the config file. By default, sendmessage is false and #
# bossbar is true.                                      #
: false
: true
If you find any bug, please report it in the discussion section or the Discord. Please do not use de review section to report a bug.

If you like my plugin, PLEASE, let a review!!!
----------, Sep 19, 2023

Fix - Fixed a condition where you didn't keep the level of the enchantment when it was higher than the limit set in the default.yml file or any other <rank>.yml file

Fix - Fixed code for the permissions. Now the autocomplete will work correctly when adding permission to your players

Change - Commented lines for additional groups. Only the default group is active by default in config.yml
----------, Sep 6, 2023

Improvement - Modification of the conditions when merging 2 items. Now you keep the correct level when you combine 2 items according to the permissions you have, the level of the enchantments on the items and the limit set in the default.yml file. (or any <rank>.yml)

I'm going to do a little more in-depth tutorial as soon as I have time so that everything is clearer with permissions and groups.
----------, Aug 9, 2023

Fix - Now when you combine 2 items and you have anvilenhanced.enchant.use-books and anvilenhanced.enchant.bypassuselimit permissions you keep levels on both items. For example 1 Chestplate with Protection VI combined with 1 Chestplate with Unbreaking V will result in 1 Chestplate with Protection VI + Unbreaking V
----------, Jul 31, 2023

Fix - Looks like i deleted 1 line of code by mistake... It's now fixed and the command is working. Sorry for the inconvenience.
----------, Jul 4, 2023

Fix - I changed the conditions to make them even more logical with permissions and level limits

New - New permission anvilenhanced.enchant.bypassuselimit

- anvilenhanced.bypass is changed to anvilenhanced.enchant.bypassmaxlimit

Now with those 2 permissions you can bypass the limit separately for:
and the 3 other permissions:

That means that you can let your players combine enchantment up to level 6 but use books to enchant items over that limit.

If you have any questions or suggestions, or if you find bugs, please join the Discord or you can post here on Spigot in the discussion section.
----------, Jul 3, 2023

To see what has been fixed, check last 3 updates here: AnvilEnhanced 1.16 - 1.20 - Updates | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft

If you find any bugs or have suggestions, join my Discord or post it here on Spigot in the discussion section.

If you like the plugin, please let a review! Thanks
----------, Jul 2, 2023

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 51
First Release: Jul 2, 2023
Last Update: Dec 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings