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AntiSpamPlugin -----

Keep Your Chat Clean: Advanced Anti-Spam Protection for Minecraft.

AntiSpamPlugin Overview

AntiSpamPlugin is your ultimate solution to keep chat on your Minecraft server clean and engaging. Designed with advanced features and high customization, this plugin helps manage spam, enforce chat rules, and enhance your server’s community experience.

️ Commands
  • /antispamreload
    Usage: /antispamreload
    Description: Reloads the plugin’s configuration. Only available to players with the antispam.reload permission.
  • antispam.reload
    Description: Allows a player to reload the plugin's configuration using the /antispamreload command.
⚙️ Features
  1. Message Delay Control
    Set the minimum time (in seconds) between consecutive messages from a player to prevent rapid spamming.

  2. Message Rate Limiting
    Configure the maximum number of messages a player can send per minute. Set to -1 for unlimited messages.

  3. Warning System
    Issue warnings to players who exceed message limits. Configure the cooldown before issuing another warning.

  4. Punishment System
    Automatically punish players who repeatedly spam. Configure the number of warnings before applying punishment and the punishment duration.

  5. Global Cooldown
    Apply a global cooldown to all messages from a player to prevent flooding the chat.

  6. Repeated Message Detection
    Set a limit on how many times a player can repeat the same message before it’s flagged as spam.

  7. Chat Filters
    Block specific words or phrases from appearing in chat, keeping the conversation clean and appropriate.

  8. Spam Pattern Detection
    Use regular expressions to detect and filter out spammy patterns in chat messages.

  9. Admin Notifications
    Automatically notify specified admins when spam events occur, keeping them informed of potential issues.

  10. Logging
    Enable logging to keep a record of spam events, allowing you to review and address issues as needed.

  11. Mute System
    Temporarily mute players who continuously violate chat rules. Configure the mute duration to fit your needs.

  12. Exempt Players
    Define a list of players who are exempt from anti-spam checks, allowing trusted individuals to bypass certain restrictions.

  13. Permissions Integration
    Optional integration with permissions plugins to tailor anti-spam checks based on player permissions.

  14. Custom Chat Formatting (Optional)
    Enforce specific chat formats or message lengths for an added layer of control over chat behavior.
Configuration Parameters
  • message-delay-sec: Minimum delay between messages (in seconds).
  • max-messages-per-minute: Maximum messages allowed per minute.
  • warning-cooldown-sec: Cooldown period for issuing warnings (in seconds).
  • alert-message: Custom message to log when spam is detected.
  • warning-threshold: Number of warnings before applying punishment.
  • punish-threshold: Number of spammy messages before punishment is applied.
  • punishment-duration-sec: Duration of punishment (in seconds).
  • mute-duration-minutes: Duration of mute (in minutes).
  • global-cooldown-sec: Cooldown between all messages (in seconds).
  • max-repeated-messages: Maximum repeated messages allowed before flagging as spam.
  • exempt-players: List of players exempt from anti-spam checks.
  • muted-players: List of currently muted players.
  • admin-notify: List of admins to be notified on spam events.
  • chat-filters: Forbidden words or phrases.
  • spam-patterns: Regular expressions for detecting spam patterns.
  • enable-pattern-detection: Enable or disable pattern detection.
  • enable-logging: Enable or disable logging of spam events.
  • use-permissions-plugin: Whether to use a permissions plugin for additional checks.
With AntiSpamPlugin, you’re equipped to keep your Minecraft server’s chat clean, fair, and enjoyable for everyone. Configure it to suit your needs and let the plugin handle the rest!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 82
First Release: Sep 6, 2024
Last Update: Sep 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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