NOTE: Any bugs/errorsfound? Please, P.M. me, go to the discussion section or on Discord( the pluginAFTERyou test it and contact me first in case of any errors.DoNOTreport anyerrors in your review.
►What can you do with this plugin: This plugin prevents creeper and/or TNT explosions, with the ability to keep effect/sound when you disable them and damage caused by them!
►Installation:To install the plugin all you have to do is:
Download it.
Save it and place it in your Plugin folder.
Restart/Reload the server.
Start using the plugin!
►Features: These are the following features of this plugin
All messages are configurable.
Permissions for all commands.
Keep explosion effect once disabled explosions. (Enable/Disable)
Keep explosion sound once disabled explosions. (Enable/Disable)
Prevent TNT & creeper (separate options) explosions through config. (Enable/Disable)
Prevent damage from TNT & creeper explosions (separate options) through config. (Enable/Disable)
Prevent damage/explosions/block breaking from Wither Skulls & Wither Charging (separate options) through config. (Enable/Disable)