AntiAFK Plugin Documentation
The AntiAFK plugin is a powerful tool for Minecraft server administrators to manage player activity efficiently. It automates the detection of idle players, marks them as AFK (Away From Keyboard), and optionally kicks them to free up server slots for active players. This plugin ensures a vibrant and engaging server environment by keeping resources optimized and inactive players in check.
Automatic AFK Detection
The plugin monitors player movements and activities. If a player remains idle beyond a configurable time (defined in ticks), they are automatically marked as AFK.
Customizable Messages
Customize messages to inform players when they are marked as AFK or kicked due to inactivity. Administrators can tailor these messages to suit their server's tone and style.
Title and Subtitle Notifications
Upon being marked as AFK, players receive visually appealing title and subtitle notifications. These messages remind them to stay active to avoid being kicked from the server.
Sound Alerts
Configure sounds to accompany AFK notifications. Players and administrators receive audible alerts when someone is marked as AFK or kicked.
Admin Notifications
Server operators are promptly informed when players become AFK or are automatically kicked. This feature ensures that administrators can monitor server activity and intervene if necessary.
Permissions Support
The plugin integrates with Minecraft's permission system, allowing administrators to grant players permissions to bypass AFK checks or execute plugin commands.
The plugin's configuration file (config.yml) offers extensive customization options:
Code (Text):
# Configuration for the Antiafk plugin
prefix: "&7[Antiafk]&r " # Prefix for all messages
afk: "&cYou are now AFK." # Message when a player is marked as AFK
notAfk: "&aYou are no longer AFK." # Message when a player is no longer AFK
kickReason: "&cKicked for inactivity." # Message when a player is kicked for being AFK
afkNotify: "&e{player} is now AFK." # Notification to admins when a player is marked as AFK
kickNotify: "&c{player} has been kicked for inactivity." # Notification to admins when a player is kicked
afkCheckDelayTicks: 400 # Delay before marking a player as AFK (in ticks)
kickDelayTicks: 200 # Delay before kicking an AFK player (in ticks)
afkSound: "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" # Sound to play when a player is marked AFK
afkSoundVolume: 1.0 # Volume of the AFK sound
afkSoundPitch: 1.0 # Pitch of the AFK sound
notifySound: "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" # Sound to notify admins when a player is AFK
notifySoundVolume: 1.0 # Volume of the notify sound
notifySoundPitch: 1.0 # Pitch of the notify sound
afkTitle: '&cAFK' # Title displayed when a player is marked AFK
afkSubtitle: '&6Move to stay connected' # Subtitle displayed when a player is marked AFK
- /antiafk reload: Reload the plugin configuration without restarting the server.
- Permission: antiafk.reload
- antiafk.bypass: Allows a player to bypass AFK detection.
- antiafk.reload: Allows a player to reload the plugin configuration.
- Download: Obtain the latest version of the plugin jar file.
- Install: Place the jar file into your server's plugins directory.
- Restart: Restart your server to load the plugin.
- Configure: Edit the config.yml file located in the plugins/AntiAFK directory to customize plugin settings.
- Reload: Execute /antiafk reload in-game or restart your server again to apply configuration changes.
For any inquiries, bug reports, or feature requests, please visit the plugin's
GitHub repository or contact the plugin author via
SpigotMC. Your feedback helps us improve the AntiAFK plugin and ensure a better gaming experience for your Minecraft community.
Optimize player activity and server resources with the AntiAFK plugin, keeping your Minecraft server active and engaging!