Anti tab complete icon

Anti tab complete -----

Change what commands players can see and use!

Version: 1.0
this is like one of those movie cliches, but it's an ameteur scripter posting random garbage on spigot.

Errors galore, bad script (js use a plugin)
-- you claim for it to be an anti tab complete but it doesnt block tab completion of these commands, only execution (and at a low priority)

So your script doesnt even do what its advertised to do :/

Version: 1.0
holy errors batman

> sk reload antitabcomplete
[23:41:03 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading
[23:41:03 INFO]: Line 19: (
[23:41:03 INFO]: indentation error: expected 1 tab, but found 2 tabs
[23:41:03 INFO]: Line: set command list to "buy" and "deposit" and "discord" and "givetime" and "msg" and "reply" and "withdraw" and "server" and "pv" and "playervaults" and "vault" and "warp" and "warps"
[23:41:03 INFO]:
[23:41:03 INFO]: Line 18: (
[23:41:03 INFO]: Invalid use of quotes ("). If you want to use quotes in "quoted text", double them: "".
[23:41:03 INFO]: Line: remove "command1" and "command2" from {blockedcommands::*}storage" and "itemtag" and "itemtagreload" and "itemtagupdateolditem" and "jday" and "lbans" and "listwarn" and "buycraft" and "ecrates" and "excellentcrates" and "ie" and "it" and "listwarnings" and "litebans" and "logs" and "lp" and "luckperms" and "mv" and "mvanchor" and "mvanchors" and "mvc" and "mvcheck" and "mvcl" and "mvclone" and "mvco" and "mvconf" and "mvconfig" and "mvconfirm" and "mvcoord" and "mvcreate" and "mvdebug" and "mvdelete" and "mvenv" and "mvgamerule" and "mvgamerules" and "mvgenerators" and "mvgens" and "mvh" and "mvhelp" and "mvi" and "mvim" and "mvimport" and "mvinfo" and "mvl" and "mvlist" and "mvload" and "mvm" and "mvmadd" and "mvmclear" and "mvmdelete" and "mvmmodify" and "mvmremove" and "mvmset" and "mvp" and "mvpc" and "mvpcreate" and "mvpl" and "mvplist" and "mvpm" and "mvpmodify" and "mvpms" and "mvpr" and "mvpremove" and "mvps" and "mvpselect" and "mvpurge" and "mvr" and "mvregen" and "mvreload" and "mvremove" and "mvrule" and "mvrules" and "mvs" and "mvscript" and "mvsearch" and "mvsets" and "mvsetspawn" and "mvsilent" and "lpv" and "luckpermsvelocity" and "lwarnings" and "mvmodify" and "mvspawn" and "mvss" and "mvtp" and "mvunload" and "mvv" and "mvver" and "mvversion" and "mvw" and "mvwho" and "nexengine" and "papi" and "perm" and "permission" and "permissions" and "perms" and "pl" and "plugins" and "placeholderapi" and "punishlogs" and "pvconvert" and "pvdel" and "pvsign" and "rayfall" and "region" and "regions" and "rg" and "serveritem" and "shopkeeper" and "shopkeepers" and "si" and "skrayfall" and "skrf" and "slay" and "tab" and "teammsg" and "tempbanip" and "trigger" and "unbanip" and "ungod" and "vaultconvert" and "vaultdel" and "vaultsign" and "velocity" and "ver" and "verbose" and "version" and "vulcan" and "warningslist" and "warnings" and "warnlist" and "we" and "worldedit" and "tebex" and "warninglist" and "lpv" and "lagg" and "luckpermsvelocity" and "velocity" and "vc" and "vault" and "playervaults" and "time" from command list
[23:41:03 INFO]:
[23:41:03 INFO]: [Skript] Cannot write variables to the database 'CSV' at sufficient speed; server performance may suffer and many variables will be lost if the server crashes. (this warning will be repeated at most once every 10 seconds)
[23:41:03 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 2 errors while reloading! (18ms)
based on how the code is written and these errors, and other scripts of yours ive tried... its pretty evident you dont test out your code that you're putting onto SpigotMC

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 63
First Release: Jul 20, 2024
Last Update: Jul 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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