Anti-Build icon

Anti-Build -----

Prevents everyone from building.

Fixed the reload command

I forgot to test it before releasing the plugin :p
----------, Aug 14, 2018

I have finally gone back and re-made this into a normal plugin!
This no longer requires Skript (because its not a skript plugin anymore!)

I have also added some features:
+ Change all messages in the config
+ Added some checks to make sure people don't use the push thing to get to places they are not supposed to
+ Allows you to disable the push thing when someone breaks/places a block.

----------, Aug 11, 2018

Changed it so that when you download, it will download the .sk instead of a zip file
----------, Oct 3, 2016

I had to do it :,(

Removed the enable-default option, it was not working and causing the plugin to not load

I made that last update really late at night, and I forgot to test it. Sorry

Post suggestions in the discussion tab.
----------, Jul 16, 2015

2nd update! :)

Added an option to have building disabled when the plugin in loaded
Also /build can not be completely disabled, you can still disable building, but not enable it.

Put suggestions in the discussion tab.
----------, Jul 16, 2015

First update :)

Added a config (open the
Added comments to see what the current 1 thing in the config does
Added an option to disable the /build command

Thats it! Request more features in the Discussion tab.
----------, Jul 16, 2015

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,222
First Release: Jul 16, 2015
Last Update: Aug 14, 2018
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings