Animatronics - Animate armorstands. (1.8 - 1.21.4) icon

Animatronics - Animate armorstands. (1.8 - 1.21.4) -----

Create armorstand animations in seconds.

- Resolved issue where hand items set through the edit pos command would not work properly.
- Resolved issue where every entity start would store entity id in config file, causing problems with large amounts of animatronics.
- Writing of the config updates now happens async, and doesn't slow down the server anymore. Usefull for animatroncis with a lot of positions.
----------, Oct 29, 2024

- Doesn't save .anima file on playing, when entity id is the same as before.
----------, Sep 20, 2024

Resolved the issue where the plugin would not work properly with the latest dev build of protocol lib.
----------, Jul 2, 2024

- Resolved issue where plugin would not start on latest purpur builds.
----------, May 10, 2024

- Fixed issue where on latest versions the play solo command would not work.
- Added playsolo to group and normal API.
- Fixed /anima gui getting stuck on loading issue on latest versions.
----------, Apr 23, 2023

Fixed plugin working on pre 1.12 devices, by removing missing method.
----------, Jul 5, 2022

Fixed plugin not working on versions before 1.19.
----------, Jun 30, 2022

- Fixed the bug where spigot would prevent from saving newer items, since it was providing backwards compatability because of the lack of api-version in plugin.yml.
----------, Jun 28, 2022

- Various small bug fixes.
----------, May 2, 2022

From now on compatable from 1.8 - 1.18.
----------, Dec 9, 2021

- Fixed issue where Animatronics would be duped on 1.17.1
- Added /anima toggle <name> (on/off) - On or off specifically.
----------, Nov 7, 2021

Fixed issue where delay would not be retrieved properly from config.
----------, Nov 5, 2021

- Fixed various bugs regarding clothes not working.
- Various bugs fixed regarding duplicating of armorstand.
- Added a lot of API methods, see the Javadoc.
- Removed obfuscated from parameters names of API methods.
----------, Nov 2, 2021

Fixed various duplication and not starting bugs, mostly caused by Multiverse.
----------, Oct 30, 2021

- Fixed issue where on 1.17 after the poslist command armorstands would not disappear.
- Added goto start to group api.
- Fixed issue where plugin would throw error to console if the first pose was missing.
----------, Aug 18, 2021

- Fixed issue where some cache would remain after deleting an animatronic.
- Improved reload command, which now clears all the caches of the plugin.
----------, Jul 2, 2021

- Added /anima group <groupname> preload
- Added /anima group <groupname> gotostart
----------, Jun 23, 2021

- Fixed issue where animatronics would give error if ProtocolLib was installed but disabled.
- Changed some internal things in the animation logic of arms and legs.
- Fixed some nullpointers.
----------, Jun 21, 2021

- Fixed issue where linking would not work in some cases
----------, Apr 1, 2021

- Added /anima playsolo <animatronic name> <player name> - Plays the animatronic only visible to the user given.
- Added /anima playrevsolo <animatronic name> <player name> - Plays the animatronic in reverse, only visible to the user given.
(Both of the above commands require the plugin ProtocolLib to function!)
- Changed linking to work recursively.
----------, Mar 30, 2021

- Added the /anima link command. Explanation on the plugin page.
- The link command now enables you to play multiple animations, which can use the same armorstand.
- You can now specify which position to delete. Previously you could only delete the last position.
- Improved the /anima listall gui command.
- API now also can control animatronics groups.
- API now can specify amount of times to play an animatronic.
- API now can stop animatronics.
- Miscellaneous fixes.
----------, Mar 29, 2021

Fixed issue where off hand would not display correct item.
----------, Feb 1, 2021

- Now supports saving of items in both of the hands.
- Some autocomplete issues fixed with the group command.
----------, Jan 17, 2021

Fixed plugin crash and minor improvements
----------, Oct 25, 2020

- Increased performance of loading large animatronics.
- /anima gui - command now calculates in own thread.
- added /anima preload <name> - pre loads the configuration in cache, for faster starting of animatronics.
----------, Oct 18, 2020

- Fixed issue where plugin would not replay animatronics because of a nullpointer exception
----------, Oct 7, 2020

- Added permission per command. Permission: animatronics.<command name> , example: for the play command.
- Fixed reflection error showing.
----------, Aug 27, 2020

- Fixed bug where equipping sound would play every pose.
- Fixed bug where clothes of the first pose would not be set when toggeled.
- Added autocomplete Animatronic names to toggle command.
----------, Aug 23, 2020

- Fixed bug where 1.16 uuid conversion would not work
- Added autocompletion to animatronic names.
----------, Aug 4, 2020

Fixed the bug where on 1.16 it would display steve's head after upgrading from an earlier minecraft version.
Warning: After first starting the plugin after this update, it can take a second to start up. It first converts all the exisiting animatronics to the new format.
----------, Jul 28, 2020

Fixed < 1.16 saved heads displaying as steve head in 1.16.
Warning: With a lot of Animatroncis, the first strartup after this update can take a second. This is normal as the plugin converts the saved .anima files to the new 1.16 supported.
----------, Jul 28, 2020

- Fixed bug where heads would re-equip when they where the same.
----------, Dec 22, 2019

- Fixed compatability with 1.15
- /anima editpos and /anima setpos now changes clothes too.
- Various buggfixes
----------, Dec 17, 2019

- Fixed bugg where saved heads as armor would not be equipped correctly again
- Added /anima group <groupname> playrev
Group commands (play/playrev/toggle) can now be executed from command blocks
- General fixes
----------, Nov 24, 2019

- Fixed the sound equiping bug
- more buggfixes
----------, Jul 20, 2019

- 1.14 Compatible.
- Clothes now save per pose. First time you add clothes, they will be added globally. After that they are saved for each pose seperately.
- /anima despawn <true/false> - New command, when set to true the armorstand will despawn after the animation has finished.
- You can now start an animatronic when editing without the argument. Eg /anima play or /anima playrev.
- /anima showpos now shows arm and leg positions.
- /anima rename <old name> <new name> - Rename command has been added.
- /anima rempos now also removes cache, so it will show the change instantly.
- Fixed yaw not resetting after playing multiple times.
- Various other improvements and fixes.

In the next update I will add the /anima lock feature, which will prevent the wrong poses to be added to the wrong animatronics.
----------, May 24, 2019

- Added /anima stop <name> - This will immediately stop looping or playing the Animatronic.
- Now able to use delays as low as 1 tick.
- Fixed the 1.8 compatiblity.
- Fixed remove command not actually removing the cache.
- Fixed 1 armorstand moving and the other teleporting.
- Fixed yaw issue on older versions.
- More performance improvements.
----------, Feb 3, 2019

The yaw was broken in 1.13 versions. Has been fixed.
----------, Jan 4, 2019

- Changed the saving format, so it takes less space and ram.
- Added /anima group - Create groups of animatronics that you can play at once.
- Now teleporting armorstand through packet directly, saves a lot of performance.
- Again worked on optimising even further.
- Added /anima loopdelay - This will set a delay after the animation has finished in a loop. So it pauses for X amount of time before it starts again.
- Added posibility to set a custom delay between every pose.
- Updates the Spigot page a little with new gifs.
----------, Jan 3, 2019

- Changed the saving format, so it takes less space and ram.
- Added /anima group - Create groups of animatronics that you can play at once.
- Now teleporting armorstand through packet directly, saves a lot of performance.
- Again worked on optimising even further.
- Added /anima loopdelay - This will set a delay after the animation has finished in a loop. So it pauses for X amount of time before it starts again.
- Added posibility to set a custom delay between every pose.
- Updates the Spigot page a little with new gifs.
----------, Jan 3, 2019

- Implemented the new file system. Now instead of saving all Animatronics in a huge config file together. There wil be .anima files for each one. The old config will automaticly convert to the new format on launch. This will prevent 1 Animatronics from corrupting everything.
- /anima setdelay and totaltime - have been fixed.
- Improved /anima reload - command, although not 100% working yet.
- Improved the chunk loading and unloading system. There where buggs where it woud stop when moving out of a certaint chunk.
- Various optimalisations.
- Renamed API functions.
- Backup system is now obsolete, since all the files are now individually stored.
----------, Dec 9, 2018

Small bugg fix.
----------, Nov 28, 2018

Version 2.0 includes:
- Backup system, automaticly checks if config has changed and if so backs up the config. This can be disabled in the config by setting Backup to false.
- Huge performance boost, Animatronics has been almost completely rewritten. The performance should be improved by 500%. It archieves this by caching a lot of calculations.
- (As usual) Lots of bugg fixes.
- By rewriting the code the size has shrinked by 50%.
- Started working on /anima reload - This is not yet recommended but is included.
- Fixed the API.
----------, Nov 26, 2018

- Added a new GUI on /anima listall - From here you can navigate all the Animatronics in the server and teleport to them.
- Added /anima setpos - This is usefull in combination with /anima editpos - So you can precicely edit positions.
- Now saves clothes when using /anima editpos.
- Various bugg fixes.
----------, Nov 10, 2018

Sorry for taking so long with the 1.13 update, I just could not get a 1.13 server working for testing.

- Removed the command /anima visible. It now just saves it from the armorstand.
- Now saves the size of armorstand. (Small or normal)
- 1.8 - 1.13.1 Compatable
- Various other fixes.
- Added /anima externalmove <true/false>. This command is added if you only want Animatronics to animate the legs, arms etc. This command is in development and has it limitations for now.
----------, Aug 27, 2018

Improved the performance of some stuff.
----------, Mar 31, 2018

- Added the /anima select command for selecting and editing armorstands. (read main page)
- Updated help, removed all command discriptions. For that you will now have to look at the Spigot page.
----------, Feb 25, 2018

- Fixed various chat related stuff.
- Fixed MultiVerse compatability.
- Command /anima showpos is now deprecated and replaced /anima poslist
----------, Feb 11, 2018

- Removes animatronic from looplist after deleting
- Added debug mode
- Animatronics now save visibility
- Added /anima visible <true/false> for setting the animatronic visible/invisible
----------, Jan 24, 2018

Added the option to play Animations multiple times with 1 command:
/anima play <name> (<amount>)
----------, Jan 19, 2018

Added plugin stats monitoring
----------, Jan 17, 2018

- Added /anima showpos, this shows the positions for the Animatronic you are currently editing for 4 seconds.
- Added /anima editpos <position number>, works the same as addpos but now replaced the speciefied position number.
----------, Jan 17, 2018

Fixed various typo's and buggs and added a API for developers.
----------, Jan 3, 2018

- Reformatted some chat stuff
- added /anima checkupdate - to check if a update is available
- added /anima listall - list all the animatronics available
----------, Sep 3, 2017

Fixed corrupted head save.
----------, Aug 22, 2017

Updated, update checker to the new Spigot API.
----------, Aug 15, 2017

Fixed chunk unload bugg
----------, Aug 12, 2017

- Redone the yaw system once and for all, the ArmorStandEditor plugin is compatible with rotation again.
- Toggeled animatronics will pause when a player unloads the chunk and will resume when the chunks is loaded again.
----------, Aug 12, 2017

Forgot to change the version string in plugin.yml...
----------, Jul 18, 2017

  • Tested 1.12 support
  • Added /anima totaltime <time in ticks> - This will calculate the delay between frames with the total animation time entered.
----------, Jul 18, 2017

- Updated the yaw system (again...)
- Added /anima gotostart <name> - Teleports the armorstand to the start position.
----------, Mar 26, 2017

- Various fixes and updates
- If an armorstand needs to be spawned automaticly applies settings
----------, Mar 22, 2017

- removed /anima setclothes this is now integrated in /anima addpos
- fixed yaw turning opposite direction
- redone yaw system
----------, Mar 2, 2017

- Added the command: /anima setclothes {reset} - this will save the clothes/items you are currently wearing, and will equip them when a Animatronic is spawned.
- Fixed yaw issue
----------, Feb 28, 2017

Added update checker on load and some code improvements.
----------, Feb 28, 2017

- Fixed the name of the jar
- After restart the Animatronics that are toggeled on will continue
- Some other improvements and bugg fixes
----------, Feb 27, 2017

Added infinite looping (Animatronics are now toggleable).
----------, Feb 26, 2017

You can now remove a Animatronic with /anima remove <name>
----------, Feb 26, 2017

Now supports 1.8-1.11 .
----------, Feb 25, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 887
First Release: Feb 25, 2017
Last Update: Oct 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
48 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings