- 1.14 Compatible.
- Clothes now save per pose. First time you add clothes, they will be added globally. After that they are saved for each pose seperately.
- /anima despawn <true/false> - New command, when set to true the armorstand will despawn after the animation has finished.
- You can now start an animatronic when editing without the argument. Eg
/anima play or
/anima playrev.
- /anima showpos now shows arm and leg positions.
- /anima rename <old name> <new name> - Rename command has been added.
- /anima rempos now also removes cache, so it will show the change instantly.
- Fixed yaw not resetting after playing multiple times.
- Various other improvements and fixes.
------ In the next update I will add the
/anima lock feature, which will prevent the wrong poses to be added to the wrong animatronics.