Fixed NullPointerException when doing /asb list when the triggers were disabled
The stay attribute of the update tag now automatically uses the line's interval if it is not set
Added a new tag: health
The health tag comes with 4 arguments: full (default: &4, half (default: &c), empty (default: &f) and update (default: 5). Full indicates the part of the healthbar that is still full. If there is half a hearth than half will be the color of that character. When the health is empty the color of empty will be used. Update indicates how often the health bar will refresh.
If you use the default health arguments:
Code (YAML):
It will display the following on the scoreboard:
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ (when full)
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤(when you have 7.5 hearts, notice the two white ❤ at the end)