ajStartCommands icon

ajStartCommands -----

Run commands when the server starts, or if a player joins.

  • Added [fj] flag to join commands. I also wrote some documentation on all the flags you can use instead of quickly explaining them in the comment.
----------, Jun 26, 2020

  • Added the option to require a permission for a join command to be executed. More info in the config file
----------, May 18, 2020

  • Fixed the plugin not loading on windows
----------, May 13, 2020

  • Rewritten so the code isnt nearly as trash
  • You can have per-command delays
  • You can have some join commands executed as the player and some as console
  • Can have a delay on player join commands
  • Rebranded as ajStartCommands
You will need to manually move things from the old config to the new one because it is in a completely separate folder. You cannot just copy-paste the file.
----------, May 8, 2020

+ Added an option in the config to be able to wait an amount of time (in seconds) before executing the commands!
- Removed annoying error message on startup

NOTE: If you want there to be no delay before the commands are done (like before) then set it to 0.
----------, Nov 30, 2016

+ Added player join commands (You can have the console execute them or the player)
+ Added /startcommands that will show a help menu (you can also do /sc, /startc, and /scommands)
+ Added reload command (/startcommands reload)
+ Added info command that will show basic info about the plugin (/startcommands info)
----------, Nov 28, 2016

I made a mistake with all of my plugins, they all had the same main path, making them not load on the same server, well, thats fixed now :)
----------, Nov 3, 2016

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,728
First Release: Oct 29, 2016
Last Update: May 18, 2020
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
16 ratings
Find more info at wiki.ajg0702.us...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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