Enhanced AFK Plugin with Combat Log Prevention, Admin Controls & Persistent AFK State
Update Log Version 1.1 Update: Enhanced AFK Plugin
Persistent AFK State:
Added functionality to store AFK players’ names in the configuration so that players are reset to Survival mode upon server restart or reload.
Admin Commands:
Administrators can now use the command /afk <playerName> to toggle AFK status for a specific player, with proper permission checks.
Improved Tab Completion:
Enhanced tab completion now suggests online player names when using admin commands (e.g., /afk <playerName>).
Combat Log Prevention:
Players cannot toggle AFK mode if they have recently taken damage, with a configurable combat log duration and message.
Spectator TP Restriction:
Prevents AFK players from teleporting via the spectator menu (e.g., by pressing number keys) and forces them out of AFK if they try.
Configurable Command Messages:
All command feedback messages (such as permission messages, auto-AFK toggling messages, and combat log messages) are now configurable in the config.yml.