AFK Plugin with Config icon

AFK Plugin with Config -----

Easily toggle AFK mode and customize your messages!


  1. Download the Plugin JAR:
    Obtain the compiled plugin JAR from the releases section.

  2. Place in Plugins Folder:
    Copy the JAR file into your server’s plugins folder.

  3. Start or Restart Your Server:
    Launch or restart your server. A default config.yml will be generated in the plugin’s folder if one does not already exist.

Open the config.yml file to adjust the messages and title timings. The configuration includes the following sections:

  • afk:
    Title, subtitle, and animation timings for when a player goes AFK.

  • unafk:
    Title, subtitle, and animation timings for when a player manually toggles back from AFK.

  • move:
    Title, subtitle, and animation timings for when a player automatically returns by moving.

  • tp-restricted:
    Message shown when a player tries to teleport while AFK.

  • auto-afk:
    Settings for automatic AFK detection, including the timeout (in seconds).

  • combatlog:
    Settings for combat logging, including the duration (in seconds) during which AFK cannot be toggled after taking damage, and the message displayed.

  • disabled-players:
    A list of player names for whom auto-AFK is disabled. These settings persist across reloads.

  • afk-players:
    A list of player names who are currently flagged as AFK. This list is used to reset players to Survival mode upon login and does not persist across sessions.

  • commands:
    Customizable messages for command feedback (e.g., enabling/disabling auto-AFK, reload confirmations, permission messages).
Each section allows you to customize parameters like title, subtitle, fadeIn, stay, and fadeOut for the title animations.


  • AFK Toggle:
    Players can type /afk to toggle their AFK status manually (switching between Spectator and Survival modes).

  • Auto-AFK:
    If a player remains inactive for the configured timeout (set in the auto-afk section), they will automatically be set to AFK.

  • Movement Reset:
    When an AFK player moves or changes their held item, they are automatically returned to Survival mode.

  • Combat Log Prevention:
    Players cannot toggle AFK if they have recently taken damage. The duration and message for this restriction are configurable.

  • Spectator Teleport Restriction:
    If a player in AFK mode tries to teleport via Spectator mode (e.g., by pressing a number key), the teleport is canceled and they are removed from AFK.

  • /afk – Toggle AFK status manually (Spectator ↔ Survival).
  • /afk reload – Reload the plugin configuration without a full server restart.
  • /afk disable <playerName> – Disable automatic AFK detection for the specified player (admin use).
  • /afk enable <playerName> – Re-enable automatic AFK detection for the specified player (admin use).
  • /afk auto <enable|disable> – Allow a player to toggle auto-AFK detection for themselves.
  • Admin Command:
    Admins (or those with the appropriate permission) can type /afk <playerName> to toggle the AFK state of a specific player.
Additional Features:

  • Persistent Settings:
    The plugin persists disabled auto-AFK settings and resets AFK players on login, ensuring that no one remains in Spectator mode unintentionally after a reload or restart.

  • Tab Completion:
    Tab completion is supported for subcommands and online player names, making command usage more convenient.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 66
First Release: Feb 14, 2025
Last Update: Feb 16, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
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